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*NSYNC Jaded Alli

Alli Wishes To Bitch and Complain (kidding):

Mom and Dad: Thanks for getting me a new computer that I can completely fill up with *NSYNC pics. That was very generous of you. I'm sorry for all the fights that this website has caused. My being on the computer late at night, working, but at least I'm dedicated to something, right? Better a website than an abusive boyfriend. Love you guys alot, thanks for everything.

Brittany: Thanks for starting this site, I'll never forget some of the best parodies that I've ever read on this site. You're a great girl, and you must make me a convert fan very soon. Thanks for putting time into this kick-ass site that will forever be yours.

NeEnE: My Janine. You are the best person in my life right now. I hope that we stay this close forever, so our Jaycie's can be friends. You are everything to me, I don't know what I would do without you. You are truly my sister, not of blood, but heart. (hey that sounded cool). When you are chillin' at your university and I'm at mine, I'm only a phone call away. I'll always be here for you, and I know the same goes for you.

Nina: Girl, we had the best convos. We still have to have our band. We a different name everyday of the week. I miss you girlie, and I tried I did. We don't talk much and I don't know why, but it must be for a reason. Thanks for standing behind me through everything, no matter what. It meant alot to me. Good luck in all your endeavors.

Liv: Thanks for everything, you're a great listener, and more than anything I respect your opinion even when we disagree. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to relieve one of my "teenage dreams." Working at EF has opened my eyes to a lot of different people. I have you to thank for that.

*Lucky: Lucky, Lucky, Lucky, girl what would I do without you on this site. You are like my sanity sometimes. When I just need to chat, you're there, and that's great. Thanks for being just how you are, because without you sometimes I'd be a bigger mental case than I already am.

Tabz: You're an awesome person, I used to be intimidated by you, but you are one of the most awesome people that I've ever met, you're really funny, and I get alot of ideas and inspiration from you. Thanks for everything you've done for me, whether it be advice for humor or in real life, it means alot.

BexXx: I know things haven't been that great recently, but that's okay. Just want to say thanks for being there and for listening when I needed someone to listen to me.

Mel: You are the closest to my age, and that helps sometimes, we know what another is going through. We still have to write that parody together, if you're still down for it. Sorry for anything I might have caused. I still love you.

Amanda: Girl, we have too much in common, you've helped me through alot of stuff this year, and then you made me fall for your brother, what can I say, you're nuts, and my biggest fan when it comes to this stuff. I'm your biggest fan when it comes to all of your stuff, and remember he loves you !!

Ashwee: You are my best friend, BIGGEST TIME. Coop legs rock, and even though he doesn't ride it in this part, you're still coming in on the "Coop Cycle." He looks like Noah Bastain in that picture, I swear to God. Just remember that I love Scott Chasez, that is. Oh, I'm hilarious.

Alli would also like to thank:

All of the former editors of EF for their tireless efforts in making this website one of the premier places for *NSYNC humor; All of the artists that I've ever parodied, including, LFO, Backstreet Boys, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, Everclear, and The Marvelettes; Noha for putting up with my first period ramblings; Gwen Stefani for being way too cool for her own good;For being extremely hott Ty Pennington on the TLC show, "Trading Spaces;" The Backstreet Boys for not being hott enough to completely capture my attention; Whoever the person who writes all those cool surveys that Lucky always seems to find; Whoever had the idea to create Swedish Fish; The entire cast of "The Little Shop of Horrors", cause you guys rock; Britney Spears for being my role model and idol; For being the biggest whore known to man, Christina Aguilera; And last but not least, my BESTEST FRIEND, BROOKE, she totally rocks, and well ha ha ha Amanda, I like Brooke, better, okay I really don't, but she's a close second.

Separately, I would like to thank:

JC: Thanks, for in the early days, dancing like a spazoid, conducting invsible orchestras, for wearing hideous clothing, being an avante garde artist. Thank you for writing songs like, "Selfish" even though I now know that they were about Liv and not me. You were my first favorite and I'll have a special place in my heart for you always

Justin:You're a bitch, but I think that if I ever met you, I'd be nice to you. You're an easy target, my friend, and well, I like to take advantage of that as much as I can. Thanks for being the one with "the hair," and writing wonderful songs like, "Something Like You." Oh yeah, thanks for bringing Wade into the mix, that's the best thing that you could have ever done for me.

Chris: You're a rocking old(er) guy. I really have nothing more to say, except thanks for offering Gramma a funnel cake.

Joey: You are the bain of my existance, but I still like you. You're a good daddy, and well, best of luck to you.

Lance:Yeh, you were the one who's name I knew when I was 14 years old. I didn't know any of the other guys. I guess that makes you special.

Wade: I hope you enjoy and appreciate all the trouble that I'm going through for you. By the end of the end, * will know my name, and hate me. All for you! If you weren't the devil then none of this would be happening. Maybe I'll take a Master Class and learn to be evil just like you. In the meantime, oh won't you be my boyfriend? I'll treat you right. That was my own little song for you. Well, I guess that I'll end this incesant rambling, but I do love you, and thank you for giving me inspiration lately.

Stever: You thought you could be the "E" in *ENSYNC, but now it's Wade. HAHAH !!

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