I, Melody, wish to thank: My Lord and my Savior, Jesus Christ: For giving me the gift of life, even though I proclaim how much it sucks, sometimes. For my family and friends, my intelligence and all of my talents. Mom and Dad: For never leaving me in a gutter in Calcutta somewhere. For laughing at my jokes and telling me I'm funny. For telling me to believe in myself, and for never shoving wooden stakes through my bottom lip like I see other mommies and daddies do on National Geographic. Brit: For giving birth to this wonderful "monster" to which I now have the liberty of contributing to. Thanks for the building blocks. All the former EF editors: For expanding upon the building blocks and transforming the site into an infrastructure of hilarity and mockery. I greatly appreciate it. Bex: For having the vision of NSYNC humor, and inviting me to sit co-pilot on the trek through the wild and woolly world of online zines. You are SO funny and I admire your talent as a writer. You truly are one of the best out there. Lise: Most importantly, for being a second mom to me. For making me sit down and watch the "It's Gonna Be Me" video (against my will) and for making me go up to Joey and talk. And for ultimately converting me to an NSYNC fan. Also, for encouraging me and motivating me. Thank you so much for your positivity and guidance. You are amazing and I love you! Tracy: For being a great friend and for sitting with me brainstorming over parody after parody when PLB was first startin' out. You are SO hilarious and creative. "Kirk! Patrick! Let's go on down to Timber lake and catch some Bass! Cha-sez there are some Fat ones!" Well, normally I'd write more but "I got high" LOL Lucky: For motivating me through those horrendous brain farts I get from time to time. For helping to inspire me to write humorous stuff. For being caring and genuine and loyal. For being the truly entertaining, funny girl that you are. For always providing a link to the buddy chats. Also, for being an 80s geek along with me, so I don't feel like such a nerd. | Liv: For having the balls to take a chance on three writers of a humor zine called PLB. For having the balls to buy concert tickets to Jackson. For having the balls to... I don't know...be ballsy, cause ya are. And for Bob. Oh, precious waddling Bob. I know you're not responsible for Bob, but I think of Bob when I think of you. Melissa: For being my best friend since 4th grade. For being an NSYNC fan, even though I was a hater. For telling me they were awesome for everytime I told you they sucked. For proving me WRONG! For persuading me to buy a Lance marionette. For actually laughing at the PLB issues. Allison: For constantly reminding me of the heartaches of the male gender. For helping me to see the nutritional value in all of the NSYNC fellas. For not turning me in for stealing your cheese. For being funny, and for being unique. You are such a special gal. Kari: Timba wha? Timba who? Whatchoo talkin bout, foo? Honda Accords are great, seriously! I would also like to thank: Rob (with friends like you, who needs underpants?), Holly (for helping me with PLB back in the day and for that hilarious beat box rendition), Brian (for being a huge source of inspiration for much of my humor), Hal, Brookey, Casey, Amber, Val, Nina, Jules, Dani, Kate (for being continuously crunk), and Paul. The cast of Whose Line Is It Anyway? for making me laugh and inspiring my creativeness. Kathy Griffin for being an NSYNC fan and for being funny. Backstreet Boys (for sucking ass). All the readers of NJEF and PLB. And Elton John, for sleeping with all the boy bands. Last and of course not least: The members of NSYNC. Chris, JC, Joey, Lance and Justin. Without you guys, this site would not exist. Thanks for fluorishing musically and kicking Lou's butt to the curb. And thanks for all of your screw ups, no matter how big or small they may be. Without them, our humor reservoir would just run dry. I thank you, and wish you the best of luck in the future.
In the words of my friend, Tom...
Love and God bless, |