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*NSYNC Jaded Olivia

Olivia Wishes to Thank:

First and foremost, I thank God for my family and friends, and for guiding me to this group of sexXxy chics I'm so glad I get to work with!

Pop and Mom, I know we battle every night about my staying up until the wee hours of the morning, and then almost not being able to wake up to go to class. But you've been there to hit me with a pillow, roll me out of bed, and push me out the door. "Don't worry, I'll make it!...I WILL!!"

Yo bro, thanks for turning me on to the program that IS Adobe Photo Shop 6.0 and for the great web advice on the site. I also want to say congratulations on your Confirmation today. Peace be with you little one.

Jaclyn, my sister and one of my closest friends. Together, you and I make up our *NSYNC Sorority. I mean, you're the only person who's just as big a concert-goer as me! The endless memories of our concert experiences are PRICELESS. "Come on Justin, why can't you see? Forget about Brit, it's gonna be ME!" "I drove 600 miles, missed work and class. Just to see my man LANCE BASS!" I will never think of Nutter Butters, purple feather boas, the "Bye Bye Bye" choreography and games of Uno without laughing. Plus, without you, I couldn't get anybody else to sing *NSYNC songs on karaoke night! "Hey, it's the It's Gonna Be Me girls!" LMAO Sea lo que sea! I love ya, you crunkalicious chica you! =)

Brittany, thank you for establishing this outlet for laughs and love, and passing it along. You've been a great friend and support, and are one of the coolest chics I've actually never "met". What's up girl? We gonna make it to Florida some day or what?'re always free to come out and visit me too! =)

Becca, my long lost twin, thank you for understanding me, inspiring me and laughing with me. "ROCK ON, HARD CORE and CLOSE WITH THE MATRIX!" "Are they insinuating something about Lance?" "Neigh baby!" "OJC!...What?" No, thank YOU for calling me even though your phone bill can't handle another beating (and neither can my AOL bill!) I don't mind going through all those phone cards, so long as you don't mind hearing from me. ;) Yo lo amo más que su hermano, pero usted no lo puede decir eso. And I know you love me more than...well, I know! lol I love ya so much sis - "you will be a part of my heart and soul ALWAYS!!!" PS: I licked Buddy for you and he said, "I love you too, kiddo. =P"

Lucky, my hometown homegirl! What up home skillet? You: "Nobody pouts going into a jiggy." Me: "Yeah, that's stupid! I wanna twirl!" I'm so glad we got to meet each other at the Innosense concert. Mommy Crunkness wasn't there, but they're our girls now! ;) JRT class, kitty ears and autographs ROCK! Unenthusiastic people, cameras that don't work and photographers that crop people out of pictures are BUSTED!! I know we'll meet up this summer!

Alli, you're a great listener. The time we spent on the phone meant a lot. I know you've heard more than enough from me at times, but I appreciate you being there. It's too bad we couldn't meet up, but yer welcome to come out and visit anytime. =)

Tabz...I'M ALIVE!! =) I'm glad we came to an understanding and that you're home. Don't worry...I'll get to those picture pages eventually, I swear! First of all, let's find us a new address...there's gotta be a place for us somewhere out there. Thanks for searching, and I have faith that we'll find one!

Mel, I love you for convincing me to get a ticket to Jackson, whenEVER they decide to have that concert. Thanks to you, I was also prompted to make it to Miami as well! I can't wait to meet up and talk possums, band camp, and Bass!

Helllloooooo Kari! Hellllloooo! "What are you talking about? I'm a Lance fan!" LMAO Thanks for doin' the hula and all those other dances for me, whether in celebration of good news *does 'Liv got a job offer' dance* or just because! *does 'Liv came back to the chat' dance* I love ya girl! MUAH!

Hey CP! ROFL...I'm sorry, Jules, you know I couldn't resist. ;) Do yours have your initials on them (JAAH!), because mine do! DETROIT WHAT?! "Yeah, actually, he lives 10 mintues from me, but he's moving!" I love you girl and I know that SteveR does too! "<3<3 I LOVE JULIE AND OLIVIA!! <3<3"

Kim, thank you for being my rock. You've seen me through the ups and downs of life in AND outside of NJEF, and for that I thank you. I know that the two of us had a connection the first time my "friends" popped in on our conversations. We make a great team when it comes to writing, and CrunkNCrazy Productions will produce some awesome *nformercials (and fan fic! lmao) in the future. I love ya girl! =)

Liv would also like to thank:

The past editors of EF (Amy, Alex, Nikki, Brianne, Missy, Mary, Nina); Hal (I LOVE YOU!); the FRO; Emily of GU&GD (for understanding); Eminem; my co-workers at Target (I LIKE HIS HAIR!); David Duchovny (for being, WHOA!); the rest of the cast of the X-Files; Wade for being a sexXxy bitch; Fumanskeeto (without which, I would be nekkid); Trace; Janet Jackson; Johnny; Anthony (aka Scary Guy) and the crew (for staying at our hotel and working the elevator); Rob (Is Santa really that shallow?); Ben (for offering to cook me a funnel cake); Busta & Korea; Carson Daly and his cult; Mark (for reccomending me for that kickass job offer); Julie's man BAM; Merian Webster (for the Thesarus); SteveR (for loving me and Jules and pointing out that I am a good dancer); Toby; Russo (for understanding the plight of handicapped woodchucks); Tyler (for being there); Wayne State University; Josie and the Pussycats; Mattel (for the *NSYNC #1 Fan Barbies and the Uno game); David Spade; Bill Cosby; EVERYONE who's contributed something to NJEF and PLB; and everyone who's come to NJEF or subscribed to PLB, you guys are what keeps us updating. Here's to TWO YEARS and many more! =)

And last but not least, the inspiration for our humor: Ashley, Dan, Jacob, Trevor, and Erik. HA HA! ROFL...I'm just playin!

Thank you to JC, Justin, Lance, Chris, Joey and Steve...for jading me and EF.

Music, Laughs, and Love,

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