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*NSYNC Jaded Tabz

Tabz Wishes to Thank:

First and foremost, I thank God for my entire life and for guiding me to this group of incredibly volatile women that I'm so glad I get to work with! (Olivia sorta said this and I say AMEN!) It's awesome to think that I'm not the only psycho who passionately believes that what we do is art!

Modesty, who's been with me from start to present, and has the peace of mind to let me know when my work sucks! An incredible story teller, and my backup no matter what I'm working on. I have always, and will always count on you to be totally you, and there isn't the time or the room to list the reasons I have to thank you. I love you, from Delaware to Texas...

Nikki #1, I cannot possibly write this without the girls (BSB fans) who got me into this. "Nikki Carter", for the hours of endless laughter and not riding my ass about *NSYNC vs. BSB. For the teamwork and fun we had on Backstreet Nonsense. For letting me show you exactly how much damage Nick Carter could do to a department store. For guest editing my NLS over and over when noone else had time. For being me, only younger and prettier. LOL Thank you. You were my beginning...

Nikki #2, cause 'We 'B Clubbin' babay! Because you've been my co-conspirator and friend almost since I 'found' *NSYNC. Because you can talk to me all night, and you forgive me when I'm engrossed in writing and forget to answer you. Because you waste your time and talent on JOJ, and you're incredible at this game. Because you've got talent, and you don't believe it. Because you stuck with me through 'HAWAII', LMFAO and because you're still here. You give me something to look forward to, meaning the day we really 'b clubbin' The first interview will be yours no matter how long it takes!! I luv you.

Mandee, because you pick up my slack on JOJ. Because you ask for advice which makes me feel as if the wringer I've been through might've been good for something. Because I'm gonna be proud as hell the day you finally stand up and say, "I told you all I could be more than you'd let me be!" and because we'll be the oldest loneliest *NSYNC fans, in our rockers on the front porch of our house, together and in trouble for the rest of our lives. Thank you. I luv you.

Brit!!!, because with Waste J Robson and Lacne(<--not a typo this time), reused coffee grounds and 2 a.m. crazy ideas, you made this game the greatest. Because we played off each other so well. Because you and Kate could make me laugh till the neighbors complained. Because you trusted the site to me when you left, I luv you. And I miss you bad.

Becca, For sticking with me when everyone else was *NSYNC tired! For trusting me with your secrets and your heartbreak, and for listening to mine. For laughing with me on The Backstreet Playground, and writing in that damned NL. For defending me, losing me, and finding me again. To the day we finally get together and all hell breaks loose! FINALLY...for having sense enough to come out of the Mississippi Mud and into the beauty that is J-Rat. "Maybe It Was Memphis", or maybe it was simply that the lil bald bitch is candy in a beater. Thank you. Or as I'd say, Much As Grassy Ass SISTAH. (Tabby interpretor = Muchos Gracias) I luv you.

Lucky, For countless emails when I didn't know who the hell you were! (WTF is this girl emailin me everyday for?) For the jokes, and the work, and the hope of a great team. For a brand new sis. I luv you.

Alli, because once you and I get started, I get the distinct feelin that all hell is gonna break loose, and it's gonna be nothing like these fans have every seen! To a new sis, and a future friend and co-conspirator, thank you. I luv you.

Olivia...I'M ALIVE TOO!! Thank you for...*big breath* helpin me past what Nina was doing to you and I before there even was you and I. LOL For welcoming me like an old friend when I could have possibly been your worst nightmare. For bearing with me while I take forever to make a decision on where I wanna be. For not sending me lazy bitch hatemail because you didn't know that I was really sick. For bringing me up to speed, and always treating me like I should know exactly what I'm talking about! For the well wishes, support, smiles, and new friendship. For being open minded, and completely non judgemental. For not being quite the 'tyrant bitch' I had heard. For showing me respect for what I've worked so long and hard to do...I can't thank you enough and I probably didn't cover half of what I needed to. I'll hit you back on the next album chica! LMAO A new sis, I luv you much.

Mel, for what's to come, cause they'll never know what hit em. Cause you don't say much to me, but when you do, it's always worth hearing. To a new sis. (I lost count) I luv you.

Kari, for completely missing the sarcasm in my emails and accusing me of attacking you. For being on people's asses to commit to doing something! For having awesome ideas and doing more than talking about them. I luv you already!

Julie, thank you for sending me a happy note when you learned I was sick. Extra special thank you's for doing it when you have no idea who the hell I am!! ;) You and me kid, we're gonna be ok! For being another new sister, cause we can never get enough. Thank you.

EXTRA TOTALLY SPECIAL AND SUGAR CANE THANKS TOALL THE PRESENT NJEF EDITORS You girls all deserve incredible awards for having the strength to do something as intimidating as coming into an established site and keepin it rockin. Brit's shoes are just damned hard to fill. When we all gave up, you came in. I've got to say that I could never tell you how glad I am now that ya did. Our jobs are harder than ever now, because the old stuff is tired and a million girls have adopted our every word. But after a little time, I was able to breathe again, knowing you guys were more than up to the challenge. To those of you whom I've already managed to offend, I swear that you'll learn someday just how to take me. Then it's cream cheese and Timberflakes on a stick. We'll get there, so everyone of you is ABSOLUTELY F***ING FORBIDDEN to give up on us yet. I love you.

Tabz would also like to thank:

The past editors of EF (Amy, Alex, Nikki, Brianne, Missy, Mary, Nina); TIELA (I WILL LOVE YOU LONG AFTER NICK CARTER FADES OUT!); All the old crew, Ali, Mary, Kat, and the Backstreet Freaks THE ORIGINAL LIVI and all of her effort and inspiration from INTOXICATED, and making me see Kirky in a whole new light!; Mary for trying to come over to the JOJ but not quite making it!; Chrys for the nls that never seemed to end, and all the damned wallpaper!; THE FANS who keep me doing this year after year, and making me believe I was good at something. AJ, aka my angel, for telling your fans that I rock, lol. For listening to my dreams and showing them to me. For not completely burning me when I 'went *NSYNC' and called you a whining ungrateful pansy ass. I'll never forget you, my first friend online. 4 years and counting brotha! Everyone that I've forgotten, I swear I'll update this thing, and I know there are more than a few of you! I really wouldn't know what I'd do if you didn't make me do this!

Thank you to JC, for my newly adopted Hampster Dance. Justin, for being the butt of my JOJ jokes. Lance, for being so damned predictable. Chris, for being a sigh of relief from all the over paid assholes who take themselves too seriously. *AHEM AJ* Joey, for looking like my stalker and for never coming anywhere near me. AND Steve, for being the 'odd man out' and mackin it like you own it!

Here's to tequila, hot baths, TRL and last but certainly not least, life's greatest gift, laughter. I suck at this.
Laugh loud & love always, Tabz

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