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NSYNC Theory

Here's a little theory written by GG, it's so funny.. yet so TRUE!
I was just wondering if I was the only one that noticed that Nikki, JC's ex is in the group Innosense and she and her girls often stay at their manager, Lynn Harless's house. I was just some interview Justin was talking about his house and said he didn't live in a mansion, just a normal 4 room house. So lets thing about this for a second, JC, Chris, Justin, Paul & Lynn Harless, Stephen, Jonathan, and the four girls of Innosense. Justin, Chris & Jonathan probably shared a room, Lynn, Paul have a room to theirselves with Stephan staying in there since he's only 1, three of the girls from Innosense stay in a room, so that leaves Nikki & JC hummmm...

Did you know that Britney Spears was supposed to be in the group Innosense? She stayed with the group for a couple of months, and then left the group for "unknown reasons". Let's think this over...

Innosense, the "final cut" toured with *N SYNC in Europe in October of '97, so Britney must have been in it in late '96, early '97- mid '97...before *N SYNC left for Europe. She lives in Louisiana, and when she was with Innosense she was in Orlando... Where did she stay? I don't suppose Lynn sprung for an apartment. so here's 5 girls, Lynn, Chris, Justin, JC, Paul, Jonathan, Stephen (oh, wait Stephen isn't born yet, my bad), and Lance (he didn't have his apartment yet) all staying under the same that even humanly possible? I wonder why Britney was kick mean "left" the group. Let's ponder about that...Oh God! I have to take a shower! I feel so dirty! Ewww...

And another thing, do you know how small Clinton, Mississippi is? Well, another one of the Innosense girls, Mandy is 19 and from Clinton, coincidence? I think not. It is not a small world after all... Just my thoughts... Kinda makes ya think..

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