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The Na Na Na Name Game

Nikki, Mandee and I took our insanity into a chat room one night with dictionaries and bored imaginations. We each took one letter of Justins name and each threw one word into the chat that started with that letter. Here are the random combinations that we came up with. Some are funny. At least two are gross mental images. Some just suck. ~ Tabz

The thoughts that got away...


Jig Revival Tornado
Jealous Rich Toupee
Joystick Ripoff Tweezers
Jaded Rich Tightwad
Jeweled Rectal Turtle
Junior Refugee Tadpole
Jagged Retractable Tongue
Juggling Rabbit Testicles
Juicy Regurgitated Tomato
Jupiter Rejected Termite
Jolly Roasted Tarantula
Jointed Rubber Torpedo
Jacked Retarded Toad
Jammin Radish Terrorist
Jumpin Raisin Trainer
Judgemental Ringworm Thief
Jewish Reusable Toothpick
Jujitsu Resistant Tapeworm
Jiggy Rabid Tortoise
Jazzy Romantic Titmouse
(Look titmouse up and youll laugh your ass off. Even if you think you know what it means)
Joyfully Ribbed Trojans
Jungle Roach Tattoo
Janitorial Restraint Thong
Jaw Repellant Titties
(I'm not saying it. I don't think I have to.)

We were only fortunate enough to come up with a few for Jayce before two of the three of us got booted and angry. Then the spark was gone. LMAO


Just Say Crack
(That one is too obvious to be funny)
Junkie Since Childhood
Jockitch Sux Cow
Jerkwater Sanitorium Conspiracy
(Combined the three of us had no freakin idea what this could mean but we found it hella funny)
Joint Sculpting Ceramics
Jerked Semen Cake
(That is UNBELIEVABLY gross, even for us)

Unfortunately, there are VERY FEW J words in the dictionary, and 4 out of the 5 members have the initial J. So it was a great idea but to avoid being too repetitive, we're gonna end it here. Except to add:


Jello Ain't Fattening
Just A' Fartin


Chlamydia Aint Kind
Corny Alabaster Klepto


Just Lika Bitch
Joyfully Licks Balls


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