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People seem to get nostalgic about a lot of things they weren't so crazy about the first time around.
--Author Unknown

Five for each of the faces that smile back at me out of the clear and brilliant recesses of my memories of those years. Beautiful faces with laughing eyes and precious smiles.

I am so proud to be a part of Nsync Jaded Everybody's Free. I am so proud to be a part of the Nsync fandom. And last, but definitely not least, I am so proud of the guys in all of their endeavors, and everything that they have accomplished...especially over the past five years.

I became a fan of Nsync a little bit late. I first began to really appreciate them right around the time of their lawsuit against Lou (Fat Bastard) Pearlman. I cried with them and the rest of you as they battled for their name and their freedom from "The Man". I cheered when they won that freedom, and I relished in the fact that they returned to us, "No Strings Attached."

Back then, Justin was a curly-headed kid with an affection for a certain, he's a solo superstar with an affection for another certain blonde. Lance was a slightly affeminate, gawky-looking 19 year old who couldn't, he's a handsome and ripped 24 (Almost 25! Happy Birthday Lance!) year old who's been damned close to flying to the moon and back. JC was the chisled-featured, hyper one with the stunning, though still chisled-featured, and hyper, he's gone solo as well and has shocked and over-joyed us with his open minded exploration of his musical abilities, not to mention his sexual nature. Joey was the handsome, charming ladies, he's the doting father with one foot stuck in the door of the Broadway stage. And Chris was the older, albeit sillier one with the sense of, he's the punk rockin' crazy man with his very own cartoon character. (He's delicious!)

Nsync Jaded Everybody's Free has gone through as many changes as the guys of Nsync have. We've changed editors, changed looks, and even changed names. We've tried our hardest to bring you the most quality, and funniest humor out there...and I think we've succeeded.

This probably is not nearly as long or even as good as what the other girls have written for the anniversary...but it's from the heart. NJEF, my sisters who help keep it running, and all of you are always in my heart. May the fandom run forever strong!

NSync forever...


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