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*NSYNC Jaded Mel

I, Melody, would like to thank:

My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: Dear Lord, You have given me so much. I know I complain about things sometimes, but in actuality, I am very grateful for the blessings that I have. I know that there are things that I do not understand, but I have to trust in You and keep the faith that everything happens for a reason.

Dad: Deddy, not a minute goes by that I don't think about you. I never imagined that I would experience pain like I feel now. And I guess the reason I hurt so bad is because you were everything to me. You were my inspiration for so many things, my strength, my motivator, my hero. My heart has a gaping wound. I pray that God's loving hand will mend it over time. Until then, just promise me you'll watch over me, k? I'll see you again one day, I promise. I love you.

Mom: For being one of my biggest sources of encouragement and motivation. Your support, guidance, and unconditional love are what often help me make it through the day. I am eternally grateful for the sacrifices you have made for me. Words cannot express my gratitude. I just hope you know how much I love you.

Summer: For usually being the one who laughs at my jokes. For always dispensing your advice and trying to cheer me up. For always encouraging me to follow my heart and go for my dreams. I couldn't imagine being an only child and I am so thankful I have you as a big sister.

Olivia: Oh girl, where do I even begin?? You are by far one of the coolest people I've ever met. You are so hilarious and truly gifted when it comes to humor. I admire your unrelenting dedication to this site. I fear that if it weren't for you, there wouldn't even be an NJEF. You are also such an amazingly, genuinely sweet human being. Thank you for listening to my venting and griping. I've really needed it lately. You are so thoughtful of other people and really go out of your way for others (I know I speak from personal experience!) I love ya girl!

Allison: I know we don't talk as much as we used to, but you are seriously one of my favorite people on this planet. You never fail to make me laugh and I look up to you in a lot of ways. WE WILL hang out once I move to Boston! Count on it!!!

BexXx: Had it have not been for you, I doubt I'd even be writing humor still. I had so much fun doing PLB with you. It was a lot of hard work, but I think it was all worth it in the end. Thanks for always lending an ear when I needed one.

Lucky: I can't believe you're goin' off to college! I hope it proves to be an excellent experience for deserve it! Thank you for always being so positive and for just being downright funny.

Julie: For always harrassing Steve and asking people to touch your butt. I know we don't talk much at all, but I respect your talent as a humor writer and I feel fortunate to be able to call you my coeditor.

Tabz: I never fail to laugh at your humor. It is truly unique and you definitely have your own style. Keep it up, girl!

Lise: For paging "Justin Timberlake" over the intercom at Denver International Airport (despite the fact that he wasn't even in the state of Colorado at the time, LOL) and for being the one to convert me from an NSYNC hater to an NSYNC fan. But in all seriousness, for being there for me these past 5 years. We've been through all the ups and downs that life and friendship brings. But no matter what happens, you'll always be like a second mom to me. Thank you for EVERYTHING. I love you!

Kate: First and foremost, for always being CRUNK. We are definitely on the same wavelength when it comes to a lot of different things. You've been one of the most understanding and helpful people in my life. I hope that we'll be friends till the day we die.

Melissa: For being my best friend since the 4th grade. You've been there for me in everything I've been through...good or bad. Thanks for laughing at PLB till Coke came out of your nose. And thanks for making me see the light about NSYNC, they're not so bad after all. ;o)

Rob: I am so glad we've become friends this past year. You are SO funny and a great friend. You have a lot going on in that head of yours. Thanks for always downloading songs that I tell you to download, lol. Keep up being crazy. Gotta love ya for it.

My great friends I've made living in Jackson, Mississippi the past year:Lindsay, Erika, Kellye, Kristen, Holly, Tacy, David, Hannah, Jennifer and Manny (even though you are the biggest jackass on earth. Why did I even add you on this list of people?)

Mel would also like to thank:
The entire cast of Whose Line Is It Anyway? for always making me laugh no matter what, and especially Jeff Davis (even though you're hardly ever on there) for being the hottest featured player in Whose Line? history. Darrin Henson for putting out that horribly addictive dance tape. Brian Mc-F*ckmenow-den for not being a tool like Carson-ofabitch Daly...and for being hot too. The entire cast of Trading Spaces excluding Doug, Hilda, and Paige because they SUCK, but especially Ty Pennington for knowing what to do with wood. (Okay that sounded dirty.) My former roommate, for taking the liberty to remove yourself completely from my life. My world is a better place without you. Bob the waddling, albino possum. Johnny Wright for being my pimp. Kyoto's Japanese Restaurant in Ridgeland, MS for doing cool things with fire. Jimmy Fallon for being a cute and funny dork. All the former editors of EF. NASA for giving Lance the chance to truly be "out of this world." The makers of Yamaha musical instruments. Steve Fatone for never responding to my IMs and for never putting me on block. Wade J Robson for paying me a large sum of money to thank you in my liner notes.

Last but not least, Lance, Josh, Chris, Joey and Justin. Without you, where would our humor come from? Please don't stay on a very long hiatus. Chris' hip may begin to deteriorate and then y'all wouldn't be able to dance anymore. Keep up the good work. Much love to you.

Futons, frat parties, and Funyuns,


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