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*NSYNC Jaded Tabz

Ok. Where to start. Olivia Thank you. Thank you and Buddy for bringing Happy to my life. (In a roundabout way, LOL) Thank you for the airport, for Bowie, for the mall, NKOTB, for Arby's coupons, sad pathetic front page news, awful bars, not laughing too hard at what we call "Slower Lower Delaware", DC, Bowie, and BOB EVANS BABY! Thanks for not thinking my son was a reject when he mangled an *NSYNC song, (You play wit yourself), and putting up with my daughter climbing on you. Also for tolerating my rejected now ex-boyfriend, and his odd roomates. Sucky soundchecks, throwing Happy off a balcony, scrapbooks, photos you're still waiting for, a baby blue thong, merchandise insanity, and for knowing me when you got off the thrashed airplane. Thank you for believing at the start (you know to whom I refer), hanging in the middle, and being patient here at the end. Thanks for picking up our slack and keeping things alive. Thanks for caring about how I got from dating Charlie Brown to an engagement to "Tex" even though it hasn't been fully explained. Thanks for being brave enough to do the following: getting out of the car and crossing a busy street to take those Bowie pictures in front of God and everybody, digging thru the clearance bin in the toy store, taking Happy and Buddy to dinner and asking for a table for four, going with to ask for a roll of quarters for a 'tarded sticker machine, braving a dark Target with a little "Lance in mah pants", nearly pissing ourselves laughing in Toys R Us, and also for assisting me in cursing *NSYNC with that wicked storm! Thanks for being there for Becca when I haven't had the time. Thanks for just being you. Basically, I am trying to say thank you, so I hope that I got that across. Did I bounce around enough? If *NSYNC ever did anything for me, it was giving me this friend. I luv you, and I'll still be "tabz" when you're having marital problems, grandchild problems, and problems with your false teeth, pacemaker, and medicare company. LOL "What are YOUUUUUU doing?" "TWO STEP!"

Philly Nik deserves more than a little thank you for the adventure to Hershey Park. For letting me into her home, her laptop, and her heart. I miss you alot here lately, and my work will never be the same. Thanks for rollercoaster rides, MMC reruns, and trips to WaWa for coffee! Neither Philly or Vegas will ever be the same for me since you, and JOJ wouldn't have been any good without you. Very few people get the jokes we share, and very few people would have tolerated someone as frighteningly obnoxious as I was when we met! Even fewer people could ever replace you as a partner in crime, and I swear you were the best we ever lost! Till time stands still, you'll be my friend.

Becca you are something else. How can someone be depressed and still able to cheer someone else up? The phone calls meant alot at a time I was sure I was going insane. I'm almost sorry that I live where I do, because I'd sincerely love to be able to travel to you. For listening when I needed to vent, for talking when I needed severe distraction, for commenting on the pages no one else would touch, and for keeping the faith in me when everyone else gave up, thank you. For working on that stupid newsletter, for writing simple "are you still alive" emails, and for keeping me informed, thank you. For the future trip out here that you're going to make, thank you. For also helping in bringing Happy to me, thanks again! And finally, for never failing to surprise me when I'm sure no one else can, THANKS TO YOU!

To my DAD whose credit card had a mad workout in the interest of playing *NSYNC until I got my own. Whose credit card still gets a workout when I'm too cheap to buy my own tickets! For letting me crash. For never being too awful upset about not being able to use your own phone while I was online playing *NSYNC. For starting the business that will now let me play *NSYNC whenever I feel in the mood. For my car, for my life. Thank you from the very bottom of my heart.

I must thank my daughter Dakota for starting this with her persistent obsession over the Disney Channel concert when Mommy still thought they were ugly and rhythmless. And also to my son Skye for consistently making old appearances new again with each time he watches one. Just today he watched the Pop Oddessy DVD again, and when they're bouncing on the bulls, my son grabbed his crotch and said "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" with each bounce. He helps me more than he will ever know!

I have to thank Charlie Brown for financing the DC trip and babysitting too! For the unknown use of his guitar and house for our Buddy/Happy adventures, and for introducing me to Brandy, who was responsible for the same. He really wasn't good for much else, but that's a man for ya. *LOL*

Finally, I'd like to thank *NSYNC who unknowingly handed me this music and said, "Make new friends, be creative, have some cool ass adventures in new places, do something you enjoy whenever you feel like it, and actually know what its like to be alive." Little thanks as well to Stever and Waste Robson for contributing to the madness!

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