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My New Favorite

As you all know, my favorite NSYNCer used to be Steve Fatone. (I know, I know, we've been over this.. he's not REALLY an NSYNCer) Whatever.. he WAS still my favorite. Well, Steve has gotten way too popular now, so it's not really fun anymore. Basically, he's yesterday's pineapple. So, I've moved on to someone else. I have a new favorite now, Ruben Orlando Ruiz. He is so sexy with his greasy overstyled afro and obsession with mesh clothing, I can't help but love him. Another one of my favorite things about Rubix (my nickname for him.. thanks Courtnie!) is the way he can "rock, rock with you" like no other.


After awhile, I'm sure he will get popular too, and I'll have to move on to someone else, but for now, I'm all about Ruben.

Sorry Stever, ya missed out. PEACE.

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