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Super Market Sweep!

Get ready for some fun aisle stoppin, heart pacin actiona with NSync on Super Market Sweep...hosted by EF's very own NINA! Whoooo!!


Team one: Lance and Joey
Team two: Stever and Justin
Team three: JC and Chris

Nina: Hello everyone and welcome back to the second half of the game! Currently team one is in third place with 1:30 seconds (Lance beats Joey for being an idiot) Team two is in first place with 2:10 seconds (Steve errupts into hoots and hollars as Justin covers his face), and team three is in second place with 1:50 seconds! Teams... have you decided who will be running?

Team One(Joey and Lance): Lance: Since I am fragile.. and I just got a pedicure yestorday I couldn't possibly take on the job, so I let Joey have it.... (Lance smiles big as the camera zooms in on Joey picking his ass)

Joey: I get to what?

Nina: Allright then team Two(Justin and Stever)? Justin: Well ahh be slickity slick wit da moves but naw man yo I don't like to be sweatin and shii on TV, it's bad fo mah image hearwhatimsayin yo?

Stever: I hear ya brothhhaaaaaaaaa

Justin (covers his microphone): What the shit be yo problem? Dag heezy man shut da hells up!

Stever: Word aiight nevamind yo. (Stever breaks some gangsta rap out as the audience watches in disbelief and feels sorrow for his idiocy)

Nina: Thanks guys... though I'm still not sure which one will be running it'll just have to be a pleasant surprise right? On to team three(JC and Chris)... have you guys decided?

JC: (Stares blankly at the side of the wall and beings twirling his fingers in front of his face) Shit that's fucking cool god damn I'd like me some of that....

Chris: (Shakes JC violently) Heh heh, what he means is shoot he'd like to do the running! (Chris smiles largely) I'm so CRAAZZYYYYY (Spasms on the set) that I just don't think I could haaannddllee it!!!!!!(small children begin weeping in the audience horrified by his display of turret syndrome)

Nina: Allright then folks here we have it Joey, Steve or Justin, and JC will be running guys get ready for some heart stoppin' shoppin' action! (Lame chuckle) Please put team twos' time up.... (Steve gets ready in sprint mode on the floor with his head against the metal of the underside of the shopping cart) GO!!!!!! (Steve pushes with all his facial might and slides around)

Stever: Watch this Justin!!!! I'm doing this for you brotha!!!!! (Justin turns his back to Steve and sighs as Steve jogs zig-zagging back and forth grabbing the entirety of the hair gel section)

Steve: I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!!!!!!!! (zipping to the condom aisle he filled the rest of the cart with condoms, after dumping off that cart he ran to the "Yellow Rat Bastard T-Shirt Aisle" and proceded to fill another cart. By the time he dumped it off JC was on his way..... to the bathroom)

Chris: Nooooooooo!!! Wrong wayyyyyyyyyyy (JC torn between the bathroom and winning filled a cart with hams and turkeys and deposited them with Chris... then went to the bathroom and emerged 30 seconds later rubbing his nose and smiling gracefully)

Lance: JOEY YOU FOOL!!!! GOOO FOORR THE BEAUTY PRODUCTS GO FOR THE BEAUTY PRODUCTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Joey was allready at it grabbing groceries when JC on his new high grabbed a cart and took off wheeling up and down the aisles occasionally grabbing at things)

Joey: Fuck you lance I haven't eaten in hours... HOURRRSSSSSS (Joey whaled loudly and grabbed at blocks of cheese hams cakes pies and ice cream)

Lance: I hate you alllll I hate you allllll (huddled in a ball on the floor of the supermarket Lance sobs generously as Joey pushes the first full cart into him laughing)

The buzzer rang shortly after and Joey was only quick enough to saunter back clutching a huge bonus chips bag. JC was passed out on the scanner and running into the cash register over and over as the belt moved back and forth awkwardly. Steve was busy kissing Justin's ass in an attempt to win him over and drop Chris off. Lance had stormed off and was busy stealing boxes of concealer and nail polishes in vibrant red. Gawking at lance who was shrieking with delight and dropping make up as he bolted out of the fake store the host continued his spiel as security went to attack him with their clubs.

*Commercial break to tally up totals*

Nina: And we're back with the totals and the new champions! (Lance graons in the background beaten and battered in a cart) Lets see who one.. Team one with a total or $456.87 you are currently in third place... remarkable job, didn't realize how much hair gel stupid t-shirts and condoms could possibly add up to. (Nodding respectively he moved his gaze from them to Lance in the shopping cart) Team two you guys came in second place with a total of $899.67 nice job Joey... Lance all I can say is I'm disappointed in you... Congratulations JC and Chris you guys are the winners of todays show with a huge total of $8999.46 thats the highest total we've ever had! (Audience claps and shifts to see JC still passed out Chris gone off somewhere and at least 25 carts pushed up around the register) I guess that settles it.. drugs are good for something folks! JC and Chris will be going on a dinner cruise and have the option of bringing some buddies if Chris ever returns and JC ever wakes up!!! Also they can keep everything they got from the store! Thanks for playing all of our contestans and remember you can order tickets to see the show live if you're ever in the Las Angelos area! Just call 1-800-462-8675.

*Show fades out*

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