Everything got all betta' though. He actually likes me.. awww.. I'm so happy Stever doesn't hate me. Too bad I'm all about Joe now. Sorry Steve, Ya missed out !! Anyhoo.. here's my pics of us with Steve.
Here is me and Stever in Calgary, Canada on 12.7.99. He won't take his hat off cuz it turns me on and he's a rat like that. (He doesn't wash his hair, he told us)
Here is Val and Stever in Calgary, Canada 12.7.99. This is right after she said "Hey Stever, ya wanna make out ??" I'm not tellin you what he said. Heheh..
This is Val, Stever, and Me in Edmonton, Canada 12.10.99. It was really funny, we were talking to him about the end of tour after party, and NO ONE else knew who he was. This girl walks up to Val "Who is HE?" She's all.. "Stever.. duh.. Joey's brother" Then he got freaking mobbed. So we said we'd leave him go since his "fans" were there, and he gave us the finger. (He was playing around though, don't get mad.. he's REALLY sweet :) Oh yeah, that's Super J's hat he has on.
This is Steve PROVING he's good with a camera. lmao.. We had him take this of us, and we are all. "Don't mess up Stever !!" Anyway, it's Val and me in Calgary, Canada 12.7.99 holding the beer for the official NSYNC drinking game during God Must Have Spent. (Which the guys know we play.. heheh)More about all of that when the review gets up.