WARNING! This page must be read with a sense of humour..
My Personal Tribute to: Doug and Margret..
Well, it was an intresting story of how I came across Doug and Margret. I was at the Calgary Tower with my boyfriend, Marc, when we came across a mailbox. I noticed I was able to reach inside and grab some of the things in the mailbox. Being the badass that I am, I took a few things out of it. I had got about three or four postcards. All of them were from a couple, Doug and Margret. Here is an actual quote from one of their postcards..
"We can see these mountains from where we are staying...- Doug and Margret"
That was the whole postcard! These people are so wonderful, to be able to take time out of their relaxing vacation to write to their friends and tell them all about it! So, that's why, my tribute this week is to Doug and Margret. Thanks for stopping by...