Christmas Stories, 1997
My Special Nicollet Mall Christmas Memory, 1997
The Friday before Christmas (12/19) I took a lunch break down Nicollet Mall in Minneapolis, to the IDS Center's famous Crystal Court. As expected, a group of youths were performing. But it wasn't the typical amateur group. It was the most senior group of the GTCYO, the Greater Twin Cities Youth Orchestra. They had just begun their program with the opening to the Nutcracker Suite, and wow -- were they good. Every familiar woodwind phrase, every brass entrance was perfectly executed.
The conductor greeted the audience (about 200 of us gathered on the main level and skyway overlooking the atrium) and said they'd now do some Christmas tunes, and please feel free to join in. "If there are any singers out there," he added, "feel free to pick up the microphone and lead everyone."
So I did. No one else was budging, and the introduction had started. I took off my coat, set it over my briefcase and sang with this large orchestra "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," "White Christmas," "Silver Bells," and others.
After finishing, I just thanked everyone, picked up my stuff and went on my way to lunch. The skyway was like a receiving line of compliments and questions ("Were you a plant?"). It was great fun.
On my way out, after I had eaten, a young female security guard asked me if I worked in the building. I told her no, so she directed me to the building concierge who had taken pictures. She wanted to send me some, so I gave her my business card.
It was a great story to tell back at the office. And when I get the picture I'll post it back on this page. And prove to everyone it wasn't all in my head.
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