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My Siggy / Links Page

Cast Of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

After joining my 11th Buffy the Vampire Slayer related club, I decided I'd rather compile the address' for them, and put them on a page other than writing it up everyday on the PB for bragging rights. So, I've put together this page to advertise the sites of the clubs, and other great sites and clubs that deserve mentioning! Some of the clubs I've join I have forgotten my member number to (my comp crashed and I lost most of my e-mails so I lost the numbers), and some I haven't hear back from yet.

If one of my links doesn't work, or if you'd like a site or club added just e-mail me at:

My name is Hellington
Vampire Pet
I was adopted at the
Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Vampire Animals

My Siggy

bcWo: The Buffy Cast World Orders #1 (for all of them) : Wonder what the world would be like if everyone was like your favorite BtVS character?

NBA #170 : A great Nicholas Brenden site and club!

The Brethren of Boreanez #58 : A great fan club if you're a David Boreanez fan.

WPWP #1450 :The We Posses Willow Power, for the Willow in you.

Get SOME #15 : For wanters of monty exposure.

OOH (no member number) : The Order of Hannigan, a great Aly site!

Sockpuppet Keeper #4- Boomer, the Lady's Sockpuppet : Stake your sockpuppet claim here.

SWC (no member number) : Sunnydales witches council.

Xander Dance Club #378 : For all your Xander dance moves.

Faith Dance Club #31 : For all your Faith dance moves.

I Want To Hit Welsey Volunteer #9 : (Link coming soon)

Team Z.A.M.B.O.N.I. #1, Goalie: Go Team!

PHBA #42 : For all your Bronze help needs!

Great Links

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Vampire Animals

Who's Who of the Bronze

David's Angels : A great David site!

Purity Test : Are you BtVS pure or corupt? Why don't you go find out!

Slayer Fanfic : Tons of fanfics!

Velvet Chain!! : An awesome band who's played on Buffy! Featuring Seth Green!

The Scooby Gane : A great fan site with lots of info.

Stake Me : Vote for your favorite Sarah, Aly, Nick, David, Seth, Charisma, Couples, Overall, Links, ect. sites here.

The Sunydale High School : Includes a letter from the principle!

Battle Of The Sites : Vote for your favorite BtVS Site (think, oWo: The Oz World Order or the NBA!!!!)

Buffy Episode Guide : A page detailing what happened in every Buffy episode.

Nielsen Ratings For Buffy : Find out how many homes tuned into your favorite Buffy episode!

Bronzers' Links Site : Looking for a link that's not here? Check out this site.

The Official BtVS Homepage! : With pictures, a game, and the Bronze Posting Board!

Nicholas Brenden For Spiderman!!!

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