Death From Above

I was outside on the porch when a jet flew over head laying down a chemtrail. No surprise right? Then only a few minutes later another jet came and laid down another one almost right over top of the other one. Then minutes later another one! This is when I took the enclosed photo (above). By the time it got to the 7th line in the sky, something happened.

As I was standing there I momentarily blacked out as I caught the railing just in time. If not I would of fallen over on my face. The thing is that I NEVER black out and am not prone to fainting. Within minutes I was on the bed very sick. I felt so strange that I became scared. I could hardly talk. I felt as if I was in hospital and they gave me some heavy drugs. It was not just being sick, I felt very very strange. Something I had never felt before in my life. If I got up it felt like I was on a moving ship at sea. All of us need to really band together and put a halt to this spraying! These biochemicals are making us sick as well as altering our DNA.

Right now where I live the Airforce is really ticked off because they are receiving many complaints. Their replies are so silly it makes one very angry. They will explain contrails and how they work as if you don't know already! Doctors in this town get mad if you force the subject on them. Why are they not interested in such a major health concern? Do they not see the unusually high incidents of C.F.S. fyrbromyalgia, GI problems, a massive increase in sinus problems and fatigue that are spreading like wildfire? The bottom line is that when you look up and see these long fluffy lines in the sky, at that point you can know that you are being sprayed with biochemicals. Some say it is for weather control which is true. When there is a frontal system moving in to our area, they will spray heavy the day before. But when they spray heavy people get very sick from mycoplasmic infections. Mycoplasims were harmless to humans till the government began to alter them for germ warfare.

More and more of our diseases are now being linked to these mycoplasmas that should not even harm us. When you hear in the news how some illness is linked to a "virus," this means it is a mycoplasma. Diabetes is even now linked to mycoplasmas as well as obesity and even AIDS! What are they doing to us!

Do you think that our government would never do such a thing? Then you have not seen the documentation showing how the government tests virus and toxins on people including innocent school children! Spraying bio agents have been documented in both Canada and America.

Please don't just put your fingers in your ears and scream screams of denial. Get involved! Contact and recontact all your government reps and demand that they do something to halt of the biochemical spraying on us and all our children. Demand answers! For local links to government reps go to my Home Page by clicking below. Download articles and drop them off for your doctor to read then confront him on the issue. Contact local heath units and do the same thing. You can even stuff articles through their mail slots at night. Write to your local newspaper. Talk about it to others. Show them the lines in the sky and point out how pale looking the sky is on cloudless days. Contact airports and military bases as well as reporters and the media. Force them to confront this very serious and very deliberate health threat.

If you are feeling fatigued with flu like symptoms that never seem to go away. Well look up. You may see low flying silent jets flying overhead. I would say may God help us all, but maybe he wants us to help ourselves.

For more information on mycoplasma, Click Here

For mycoplasma links, Click Here

For more information:

Canadian Chemtrails

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