Gayism and the loss of free Speech

Here is a quiz. What time of human history am I talking about. This is a time when a political moment gained almost over night great political power. This group being feared is only talked against in whispers. Their propaganda was spread to the children through government controlled schools. All the radio media is instructed that if they ever critize this political group, they will loose their licence. This group could only be spoken of in glorious glowing terms only, and their religion was the state religion. Any opposition is dealt with extreme prejudice and hate. Any people that speak out against this group will find themselves in deep trouble.

So what time period am I speaking of? Did you guess the time of Nazi Germany? Well you're wrong. The political group that I am talking about is the gay movement and the time is today. Today we as heterosexuals that believe in the family unit are seen as hateful and suffering from "homophobia." The fact is that I think the gay movement suffers from hetrophobia.

Dr. Laura a radio host stated that nature shows that a man and a woman have reproductive organs that are there to reproduce mankind and keep the human race from extinction. In contrast she stated that the gays are not normal, since nature shows what they do is contrary to the furtherance of the species. Well now she is suffering from the hysterical rabid attacks from the gay movement. If she was based in Canada, she would loose job and the radio company would be in danger of loosing their license. Welcome to the land of the free!

The religion of the gay movement is evolution. The tenant that there is no God is communistic by nature and teaches that there is no morality, only the eradication of the weak. In other words do what ever feels good and crush those that would warn you of the natural consequences of such lifestyles. Might is right. Mercy, tolerance, and love is only for the weak.

A new law is now being considered in the United States for the benefit of cross dressers. If this becomes law and you employ a cross dresser, you must tolerate his needs. If he wants to come to work in his pink mini skirt and earrings, you will not be able to fire him.

A heterosexual believer in the family unit can not have an "opposing" view opinion, or he or she will come under hateful, hysterical, and perhaps even legal attacks. A hetrosexual is not allowed to voice their views in today's society. Like I say. Welcome to the land of the free where have free speech only if a certain powerful political group allows us to have the privilege.

What is happening today has already taken place in the fifties under the dictatorship of a man named Joseph McCarthy. Under his political movement and power, all that was needed to destroy a person's life and place him on a black list so that he or she would never be allowed to work again was a phone call. All it took was an anonymous accusing phone call to a government office.

Today there are more and more laws coming down the pike that gives all authority to homosexuals and stripes away from heterosexual believers in the family unit all rights of free speech. A good example is the gay parades in front of children display sexual acts that can not be spoken of here, but can be displayed openly in front of young children in the streets. The TV and newspapers are silent about it out of fear of repercussions from the gay groups.

If you feel that homosexuality is not normal or disagree with the lifestyle, you had better keep it to a whisper and only talk about it behind locked doors. Also there are laws coming that will make and resistance to the gay movement a "hate crime." Soon schools will not need your permission to teach your children how to accept the gay lifestyle and how to do what they do behind closed doors.In my day it was called porno. Today it is called sexual education to the new the standards of sexuality brought into the schools by the gay movement. I do not hate gays, but can I be alowed to ask them to keep their religion to themselves and give me the right to disagree with them? Is this democracy and freedom? No. Welcome to the world of the gay man whose name is Big Brother that watches over all of us in the name of "love" and "tolerance."