Having a bad sinus day?

One of the major symptoms of chemtrail jet spray is a lack of energy, dizziness or light headedness, stomach and GI problems, sinus headaches with or without deep neck and shoulder pain, and nausea. The sinus headaches are an epidemic where jets are flying low and leaving a chemical trails of billowing white substances.

Have you noticed that on a clear day when the jets come in, that by the end of the day the entire sky is a milky white overcast. These jets come into Powell River flying very low and very quite leaving massive white chemtrails all over the sky. Uninformed people tend to say it's water vapour which is known as contrails. The fact is that contrails dissipate very rapidly and do not hang in the sky for hours and hours. Also they do not turn into huge clouds.

Many people in our town feel that these jets are normal. Well Powell River is not a main traffic area, Some days I have counted over a hundred jets criss crossing all over our sky. There has been more than one occasion where I thought that there was going to be a mid-air collision for sure.

I have noticed that the more the jets fly here, the more sick people become. I have contacted our government officials and have gotten nowhere with them. John Reynolds office has been good about passing information along. With this issue it is hard to get people to help me since this is new and, people think that this is just the flu. Well the summertime is not the flu season, and I have seen far more people sick then than in the winter which is the flu season.

If your sinuses are throbbing with pain, or you have kids that are deathly sick, then go outside and look up. And when you do, please take notes and contact our MLA and MP.

There has been a great deal of evidence indicating that this is part of biochemical warfare experiment. All the symptoms that people in Powell River and elsewhere are identical to the symptoms of the Gulf War Syndrome. Mycoplasma Infection - From GWI To Chemtrail Illness - Extremely Important

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