Is Powell River being poisoned?

Well before going on here, I have to say that I am no scientist, and what I am about to say here is just from my own private interpretation of a major problem of the highest level of pollution ever come to Powell River.

One day on the net I came across a site that stated jets were dropping poison on cities and towns while controlling the weather. My first reaction was, "How stupid. This stuff should be in a rag magazine! What dribble!" At the site I read that there where jets dumping toxins into to the air through their engines which would create massive plums of white exhaust known as contrails. These long trails of white would then do something very unusual. They would expand into clouds and fill the sky. Silly is it? Well just keep reading as I go on here.

The next thing that happened was that I was watching Dan Rather on the news talking about the danger of jet exhaust turning into clouds. With the story was a satellite photo showing one contrail expanding into a massive cloud going across the ocean to the coast. You see, normal contrails are pencil thin and dissolve in the sky in a matter of seconds after leaving the jet. Chem Trails as they are called, do not dissipate. They come out very thick and fluffy and remain in the sky for hours as they become clouds.

Still not convinced I kept looking up into the sky. One day four passenger size jets flew overhead leaving four close knit trails behind. Then as I watched as another huge passenger jet came from the opposite side and weaved it's tail in and out of the others! My first thought was, "is it normal for big passenger jets to fly so close?" Anyhow I grabbed my camera and took this picture thinking it was an air show warm up because this was in August.

Then I came to another site by a leading expert in the area of Con Trails by the name of William Thomas who lives in Victoria. He had the gases tested which showed that the Con Trails contained the following matter:

1. Bacilli & Molds

2. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

3. Pseudomonas Florescens

4. Bacilli Amyloliquefaciens

5. Streptomyces

6. Enterobacteriaceae

7. Serratia Marcscens

8. Human White Blood Cells

9. A restricter enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA

10. Enterobacter Cloacae

11. Other bacilli and other toxic molds capable of producing heart disease and meningitis, as well as acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal distress.

12. JP-8 Jet Fuel = Ethylene Dibromide

# 2. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa = Respiratory tract infection by the ubiquitous bacterium. Cancer and burn patients also commonly suffer attack from this organism. Unlike other bacteria that reside in the enviroment, P. aeruginosa has a remarkable capacity to cause disease. Pseudomonas has the ability to adapt and thrive in many ecological niches, including humans. Once infections are established, P. aeruginosa produces a number of toxic proteins which cause not only extensive tissue damage, but also interfere with the human immune system's defense mechanisms. These proteins range from potent toxins that enter and kill host cells at or near the size of colonization to degradative enzymes that permantly disrupt the cell membranes and connective tissues in various organs. P. aeruginosa successfully colonizes the respiratory tract. One reason is that it produces a highly protective capsule made of the mucoid polysaccharide alginate. This allows the bacteria to resist engulfment by immune system cells and better adhere to the lining of the lungs. It is likely that antibiotics cannot effectively eradicate Pseudomonas from the lungs because of this protective capsule. In addition, some Pseudomonas strains can inactivate the drugs that threaten them by using enzymes to modify the drug.

# 7. Serratia Marcescens is a significant opportunistic human bacterial pathogen. This microorganism has been shown to be the cause of many life-threatening diseases such as pneumonia, meningitis and endocarditis. It is one of the major causes of hospital-acquired infections. The seriousness of a S. marcescens infection is compounded by the fact that it is very resistant to most commonly used antibotics, thus making treatment difficult. In this study one of the factors contributing to the antibiotic resistance of S. marcescens will be examined. In order for an antibiotic to kill or inhibit growth of bacteria it must penetrate the outer surface or membrane and enter the bacterial cell which is very difficult.

I hope some of this helps you to better understand what we are fighting against. This is why they are referred to as Chem Trails. These chemicals have one major effect on people though, that is that they damage tissue and lower our resistance to disease. Main symptoms appear to be sinus headaches with pain in neck and shoulder. Gastrointestinal problems. Confusion. Shortness of breath with a feeling of unable to catch your breath. And there have been many reports of organ damage.

All over the world where the trails are seen, people of the area come down with severe flu like symptoms and the hospitals become over crowed. They say that it's just the flu bug going around. Well one thing for sure, in the last two years I have seen many kid's and adults I know become more sick from so called flu than I have ever observed. It also has such a longevity and intensity never seen before.

One time I went out for a walk when some jets flew over. I swear I almost did not make it home. I was so overcome with fatigue and nausea I almost fell to the ground several times. I have no idea how I managed to get back home. Once home, it was gone in an hour.

Also I have noticed people that never get sick a day in their life are now becoming over powered by flu that never seems to go away, and is here all year round. Add to this that there are unclassified documents that the government has a history of dropping toxins from jets to experiment on the public. This is very well documented. The American government admitted to doing this and say that it is a mass immunization of the populace that they are conducting. They have stated that this is a precaution in case there is a viral attack from Saddam.

I have now become more convinced that this is now a very serious problem. Does it take place here in Powell River. You bet! On any clear day you will see them fly over about 10:30AM. The trails will expand and by the afternoon the sky is thick with overcast. Last summer I counted over 60 passenger size jets, (mostly 747s) flying over Powell River leaving trails all over the sky. 60 flights in one day!I have since contacted Myron (Mike) P. Hunsicker Superintendent Aviation Operations. He was very nice with me but skirted most of my questions. When I confronted him with some photos, his reply was, "That urban myth has been around since before I started in Aviation 32 years ago. Some people have way too much time on their hands." The odd thing was that just before this, he was trying to convince me that the trails were normal and that there was nothing mysterious about it.

If you would like to see some of the photos
I have taken from Powell River Click Here for PHOTOS If you would like to help me to look into this further, my phone no. is 485-9839. Also a good website to start with is if interested is Contrails or ChemTrails

You will find some very dramatic photos here.

From the site:

From Vancouver Island

From Houston. The same as I saw here in Powell River.

Please contact your government and ask why is our small town over run by jets. After I contacted Mr. Hunsicker, by chance the jet traffic ceased for awhile. His email address is

If you think this is all crazy talk, then just keep looking upwards. Yesterday they made a huge X across the entire sky. Is this a free air show, or could there be more to it?

Richard Vizzutti

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