Oh IT IS is it

In the IT IS column of the Peak news (Feb. 4th 1999), there is a very strange article by Isabelle Southcott, (editor). She alludes to the fact that one of the Counsellors had done something illegal but never says who or what the crime was. Why is because as she puts it, "We've all heard stories of politicians not being charged because they have friends in high places. The law might not require an explanation but the public may want or be entitled to one anyway." My understanding here is that if a person is not charged with a crime, the press can not talk about it because of possible lawsuits.

Ms. Southcott goes on to say, "Late last week, the mayor hadn't heard that any member of his council was thinking about resigning although he did admit there are a lot of 'discussions going on.'There are a lot of rumours boiling up outside and I don't know what's going to happen,' he said evasively."

Well there is a rumour going around about a certain Counsellor that the Peak seems to go after a lot, and I am sure that everyone that knows this rumour feels that they know who Ms. Southcott is talking about. Even though she does not name the person in question but does go on to state:

"Although there are different rules for different people in this great country of ours, the public doesn't have to sit quietly and accept all that has been done. They can pressure community leaders and politicians to act responsibly and address the problem. They can voice their outrage in other ways by writing letters and making telephone calls.The efforts of the public are not without consequence."

Even though she will not name names, she still appears to try and get the public to light the torches and to mount their horses. All I can say is that one person's feeling of justice is another's feeling of persecution. One person's sense of integrity may be seen by others as vindictiveness.

"And that is the way it is." -Walter Cronkite-

by Richard Vizzutti

Peak article/reference

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