Isn't politics a strange thing? Here we have a tiny little island offshore called Texada. It has so much political clout it's amazing. There we have a a Regional board director Bob Hagman that has so much say in our affairs. Bob Hagman favours shipping our garbage to Rebanco at great expense, and poof! Just like magic, we people of this town have to ship our garbage to the United States.
Is this just coincidence our is it that the Regional board appears to have so much say over what we do with "our" garbage. If you don't think that the Board has that much say, just ask the people that have fought so hard to get an incinerator why we don't have one. They will tell you.
Why does Bob Hagman feel that he has to take away jobs from us Canadians and give it to the Americans? Why is it that we have no incinerator burning waste water sludge. Why is it that we now have an expensive sludge problem. Ask Council a .nd the Board why.
Also ask certain Council members at the next election why after almost 3 years we do not have an incinerator even though we voted for one. Let's ask the Mayor why he blocked the sincere efforts. Why with one other Council member he has the weighted vote, yet in almost 3 years, nothing has been done. At election time let us ask why Council Simpson why he has fought so long and so hard against having incineration, and why the others have gone back on there word of honour to get us one.
To the public I must ask why there is no public outcry? If you wish to let our public servants know how you feel, then you can write it out and drop it off at the Municipal Hall to be given to them. Or you can phone them, and talk to them when you see them in the streets. The public voted for where is it? Please let your voice be heard. Don't just wait till election day.
Come next election there need to be a lot of questions asked of these people. If by election day we have no incineration, then we must vote them out of office and lend no ear to anymore excuses, rhetoric, or empty promises. It's time again to try to get our town back. Once again our civil servants have become our masters.
Richard Vizzutti