PRCN vs Armourtech

(PRCN vs Armourtech) I really agree with the stated opinion. I too have had to deal with "The Board" of PRCN and had paid a lot of money to have them as a provider. As many other people had experienced, I never got on the internet with them and I never got my money back. It seems like a simple story, but in between these events were several useless visits to their office for assistance, and several heated discussions that were taking me nowhere.

They got to keep my money without accountability. I get no satisfaction in saying that "They lost a customer" because I feel as though they didn't give a toot about me anyway. This experience with our (then only) local internet provider made me quite sceptical when Armourtech came along. I signed up about a week before Armourtech was up and running. I was nervous that I wasn't going to get on... ever.

However, came the deadline date that Armourtech "promised" to have us up and running, they were. Not only were they running, but during a busy time, they sent a guy out to my house to make sure that I was up and running too. These are the little things that customers appreciate. Making good on promises, great service, and positive attitudes.

Armourtech is user friendly, the staff is informative and seemingly organized.æ Everything they have done for us is appreciated and we look forward to using them as our provider for several years to come.

Colleen White

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