Rebanco Bob

Imagine. We as tax payers could be saving $75,000 dollars to ship our garbage to Cache Creek. Sounds good doesn't it. But wait! There's a snag! The Regional Board adopted a motion to extend the contract with Rabanco for another 2 years. Well time to kiss that much need 75 big ones good bye.

Board Chairman Stan Gisborne states that he is concerned about the containers being made of aluminium as opposed to steel. For this reason too, board member Bob Hagman agrees that they may be liable if the aluminium containers become damaged. How interesting. Both of them seem to care little that our garbage is being shipped out of our country to Rabanco, where the law suits are starting to fly in every direction. Soon they will begin to sue us as individuals and not as the Corporation of Powell River. Think about that. Also will someone educate those buffoons about how strong new tech. aluminium really is. This is why it's being used.

Bob Hagman also states that Wastetech does not take animal bodies or veterinary waste. Well an incinerator does. But the problem here is that the Regional board still appears to have all the power and control over Westview's garbage while the Council looks the other way.

Stan Gisborne contacted me and stated that he himself was very much for the ending of the contract between Powell River and Rabanco. He and Gordon Crawford had in fact voted against Rabanco but the rest of the Board voted for Rebanco. Since Lee Lorenzen was on Christmas vacation, the vote was loaded against shipping garbage to Wastetech. Rebanco Bob scored another coup and was back in the saddle again. How is it that the Regional Board has so much power and control over OUR garbage??? Yep. Rabanco Bob strikes another blow to an evil enemy called incineration. I am so tired of these games, twisted facts, and agendas. This Council and Regional board has to go in the next election. I am so sick of power groups, secret agendas, and double talk. I think we may have lost our town for good.

Richard Vizzutti

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