In the Dec. 24th issue of the Powell River News there was an editorial titled Our Christmas Wish, it was stated by the paper that it may be a waste of money getting an incinerator because, "There would be nothing worse than spending millions of dollars on an incinerator only to find out after it's built that there is nothing else to burn.The article strongly suggested that everything we use can be recycled.

The highest level of recycling in the world is achieved by the Japanese. Their percentage of recycling is 35% and the rest (65%) is incinerated for energy. Where in the world would the PR News ever get the idea that we can ever be capable of recycling at 100% when this level doesn't even exist in the real world. Many times we see our newspapers move into an area of fairy tales. Unfortunately for them, this exposes their lack of knowledge on the subject.

Since then the Powell River News has made a dramatic new change. They unlike the Powell River Peak seem to report just the facts, and stay away from tasteless jokes, anti-incineration agendas, and Council bashing. Hats off to the Powell River News!

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