Richard's Rules of Corrupt Politics

1. Pick a popular issue and run with it.

2. Promise voters everything they want.

3. Lie like crazy and tell them anything they want to hear.

4. Pretend not to have anything in common with the last party that was in office.

5. When voted in, take advantage of all "perks." (The reader may interpret the word perks any way they choose.)

6. Sit back and do nothing while saying, "We're looking into it" or "We're working on it."

7. Always disagree with the other members on all issues so that you appear to be active and opinionated.

8. Make long speeches over every issue brought forward so that you may give the appearance of being knowledgeable. If members of your own party become bored to death and give you a hard time, then play the innocent victim. Use catch phrases like."The people have a right to know!"

9. At election time, blame all broken promises and delays on the opposition and the past elected party. If still cornered. Blame members of your own party.

10. Repeat rules from one to ten.

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