Is Townsite being shafted?

What is wrong with this picture? Here we have Townsite which is an historical site, yet no money is ever put into it to build it into a tourist area. It was pointed out to me that the people of Townsite pay their taxes like everyone else, yet they have to acquire volunteers to keep the area clean? Gus Lenis of the Granada Restaurant was telling how he had to pay out of his own pocket to have the side walk in front of his establishment extended. What is going on here?

Townsite pays taxes and yet has to have volunteers clean the area and have fund raisers to get any kind of money. Gus was also telling me that for years they have been trying to get street two lamps along the main area in front of the restaurant for years, and nothing is ever done about it. Yet at the same time Council has sidewalks placed up at the airport for a considerable cost.

It really annoys me that Council does nothing for Townsite. Folks I have said before, Townsite is a potential Gastown that could make our Town rich. Concentrating the Ferry dock and all the businesses in Westview has done nothing to expand the tourist level for Powell River. What attraction is there in Westview except congested traffic and stores. Of what scenic value is this to tourists? Why would anyone want to come back?

Why canŐt we have the ferry in Townsite and build the area up into another Gastown nook? Instead Townsite has been given no up keep, no money, and has lost the hospital. For crying out loud, Pacifica doesnŐt even cut the grass on their own property. Also there was a beautiful painting on the old car shower till they insisted on tearing it down. Why is nothing being done for for Townsite? Why is it that they canŐt even get a street light or their grass cut or even a few trees planted? Townsite people are getting restless about this and I can see why. Dang the fun raisers. Where the heck does all their paid taxes go? This issue needs to be addressed and there should be some accountability here. Why is there none? Townsite tax payers would like an answer. Will Council please address this issue.

Richard Vizzutti