Gordon Wilson

The Beverly Hillbilly

I am shocked and amazed that "our" Gordon Wilson has gone over to the NDP. The PDA wasn't much too look at but it had class. It was a grass roots movement that accepted no corporate funding and had the people behind it. Least I know I was. On the other hand the NDP is corrupted right to the core. If it wasnÕt for their pro-union stance, they would of been blown out of the water a long time ago. Gordon WilsonÕs PDA party wasn't powerful, but Gordy often used it as a platform to tell it the way it was. He was a contender. An honest politician. Now that he is with the NDP, will he continue to be so outspoken against them? No doubt when they finished using him, will he just be shuffled to a new position. If he thinks that at that point he will just "quit" and go back to the PDA and we all will vote for him again, well he is sadly mistaken. Voters are not so dumb.

My kid's asked me why was I so bothered by Wilson's actions. I said to them, Kids. You remember the story of David and Goliath don't you? Well in this case David threw his sling down and formed a partnership with Goliath claiming he could now better serve BC. Goliath then put his arm around him and shoved a cigar in his mouth. "You did the right thing my boy. Money and power is where it's at. Not silly ideals of honesty and responsibility of government to the people." Yep, Wilson is a quitter and has betrayed all that were behind him. Gordon Wilson has also proven himself to be nothing more than an opportunist. He is more than happy to be the NDP's puppet for votes.

It's too bad that Judy Tyabji doesn't take over the PDA. Anyone that had a successful TV show cancelled because it dealt with too many "real" issues has my vote! I wonder if it is possible for her to take over or run the PDA party in the next election? She would have to run against her hubby though. If not I think Wilson should dissolve the party right now and move on.

In the end Gordon Wilson becomes a Beverly Hillbilly. "The kin folk said, 'Hey Gord move away from there'...money and power is the place you outta be...so he loaded up his truck and moved to NDP... Hills that is...perks...corporate dollars...The Beverly Hillbilly!"

Banjo music now swells. Now a word from his sponsers. Commercial break...

Richard Vizzutti

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