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Nintendo's dirty little Secret!

Nintendo's Secret

I bet you didn't know that Nintendo has a dirty little secret that nobody is supposed to know about. Well guess what I have full coverage on the situation!

Did you ever wonder why the N64 is on cartriges? I know I did. I mean it just dosen't sound right for a company to not make their games on a cheaper AND better format. If you look at it, logically cartriges just don't make sense. They cost more to produce and you can't fit near the memory on them. So now you must be wondering "Then why did they use cartriges instead of CDs." Well I'll tell you!

A long time ago, in a place called Japan, a company by the name of Nintendo deceided that they needed a new system to compete with the Sony PlayStation. Normally, this would be an easy decision, but as we all know nothing with Nintendo is really predictable! The only thing that stood between Nintendo and total market domination is the fact that they invested a whole lot of money in a company called Silicon Graphics and more specificlly on the silicon memory chip wich are the most important part of a Super Nintendo and N64 cartrige. Since the evil Sony was putting its games on CD Nintendo might loose some of the big name developers due to the fact that the PlayStation can handle more polygons. After much careful consideration Nintendo deceided to increase their investment rather than make better games, cheaper games, and keep the big name companies. In the end the only person that got hurt was you, but that really dosen't matter to Nintendo because all you are is another number. And that my friends why I didn't buy a N64.


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