Rationale of Psycho Math
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Rationale of Psycho Math

As a teacher of junior high school students, I hear the phrase, "MATH SUCKS!!!"Mon a daily basis. As a mathematician, I want to know things like, "At what rate does math suck? Does math suck more than english? Social studies? and does the sucking force vary directly with the amount of homework? Unfortunately, this page will not answer any of those questions. This page will, however, deal with current math issues and events.

Obviously I take a different approach to teaching and communicating math ideas and concepts. The philosophy of the Psycho Math Home Page is simple. Knowing math is a useful, fun and practical part of life.

The history of Psycho Math is short and concise (shouldn't everything be simple?).

It started as a joke.
Then through time and a little work, it blossomed into a project. I have taken it upon myself to tranform this 'crazy' (no pun intended) idea into a full-fledged ideology. Who knows maybe a book will be next. We'll just have to wait and see.


I'm kind of scared. I want to go back to the Psycho Math Home Page

This sounds cool take me to the Math Problems of the Week

Please Email: doczuess33@aol.comThe Psycho Math Guy with comments or questions.