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Directions to the Patch from Albert Lea: From the Skyline Mall (Old Wal-Mart) intersection on Albert Lea's West Side traveling on West Main Street, continue 2 miles west on County Road 46 (past the Y & Arena). Watching for a sign to the Patch, take a left (south) on County Road 71 (now 720th Ave) for 1/2 mile and the Patch is on your right hand side.

From I-35 N & S, exit on I-90 west & go WEST to Minnesota Highway 13 (EXIT 154). Left after exit ramp and follow Highway 13(S) to the intersection of the SKYLINE MALL, where the Old Wal-Mart is located and turn right unto 46 at the stop lights. Go 2 miles west on County Road 46. Watching for signs on your right, take a left (south) on County Road 71 (now 720th Ave) for 1/2 mile and the Patch is on your right hand side.

FOR GPS: Patch Address is 19865 720th Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007

PHONE: 507 373 3845