Our FIRST for the 2011 season--Jon & Mia were #1 at the patch in 2011--CONGRATULATIONS!

Izzy, Renane, Darrin, Braxton & Ivy picked out some GREAT PUMPKINS and have enjoyed coming to the patch for a few years!

Spending some time with Max at the patch today were Janae, Carter and Ahna--Max LOVED it!

My nephew TEREN also enjoyed time with Max! Teren is selling some ornamental flowers at the patch for your dried flower arrangements to help pay for his CAT FOOD for the winter--come and check it out--the CHINESSE LANTERNS are awesome!
***DAY 2***

Visiting the Patch on Sunday were Corina, Tim, Courtney, Paige, Caria, Jordon & Crystal--Tim was happy being the only man with all these girls having fun at the Patch today!

Adam, Devlin, Fiana and Cassie also enjoyed their day at the Patch--thanks for coming out!

Hanah, Bob and John really picked out a lot of pumpkins and took a lot of muscle to wheel that load to the car--good job Bob!

Marcie (Mom) was sitting in the wheelborrow as Henry, Ellie and Andrew looked on! They had a good time in the pumpkin house and even made sure it was all cleaned up before leaving at 6 pm--thank you much!

The LAKE MILLS DAYCARE & PRESCHOOL MORNING GROUP visited the patch on Tuesday, October 11th. They started their visit with a snack..um um good!

Cornina with daughter Sarah & son David from Lake Mills visited the llamas...Bahama and her daughter Dolly.

They divided into small groups to play the games and have their picture taken.

The afternoon group also started out with a snack at the picnic tables by the corn field.

Ruth visited the patch in the afternoon and enjoyed looking around and taking some wonderful pictures of the Patch.
Ruth also wanted to say hi to her brother David!

I even got to have my picture taken with some of the kids from Lake Mills...great having you all here today!

Max enjoyed a nap while the kids were out in the patch looking for their pumpkins.

Thomas, James, Jenny and Hunter enjoyed another fun time at the Patch this year. Thanks for coming out again!

These girls and Tommy visited Thursday and "had fun!". FirstDesirae (Anna's friend), Anna, Tommy and Nancy wanted to waved to say hi to their brother and son, Bryan who is serving in the Air Force at Shepphard AF Base in Texas...thanks SO MUCH for your service Bryan and HI!

Then they decided to just let it go and have a silly picture too! Thanks for being great visitors to the Patch!

Kaylee & her Mom Michelle were out on Friday and Kaylee sure had fun pulling the wagon out of the patch--with some help from Mom! They also picked out a really bumppy pumpkin--it was AWESOME!

Saturday was a beautiful FALL DAY and visiting today were Jen, Maggie and Judy.

Maggie had the cutests PUMPKIN COSTUME on and by far, she was the CUTEST PUMPKIN in the Patch today!

It was a busy day at the Patch since the weather was so nice. At one time, 30 cars in the parking lot!

Visiting today were my friends from the United Methodist Church in Albert Lea, Glen and Pat with their granddaughter Vivie visiting from the Twin Cities area. Vivie enjoyed modeling the pumpkins she picked out--HOW CUTE IS THAT!

Enjoying an outing at the Patch today was Mason and his Mom Erin with the pumpkins Mason picked out...THANKS for coming out today!

The games at the Patch were busy and hard to see but Bahama and Dolly llama were at the fence and everyone enjoyed petting them too!

Grandma Bonnie and granddaughter Ashlyn got their picture taken behind the WELCOME sign at the Patch...they sure had FUN!

Larry from Albert Lea was here with his wife and granddaughter and HE WAS COLD! First time I'd seen an adult wrapped with a blanket BUT he's more comfortable with ARIZONA weather so the blanket felt good with the stiff NW winds today! IT WORKED!

A second look at the parking lot and our portable lavitory. The sign says, "there are two reasons for using our porta pottie--#1 and #2!" Truly a necessity here at the Patch!

The last ones to leave Saturday were from Iowa...Alan from Garner who picked out a nice BUMPY PUMPKIN along with Nicole, Bryce and Nicolas from Forest City...THANKS for crossing the border to visit the Pumpkin Patch today!

Sunday Markey and his Dad were working TOGETHER to get the wheelbarrow and pumpkins out of the patch--having FUN too!

These girls were petting and talking with Bahama and Dolly Llama at the Patch on Sunday.

Visiting every year are Cary and Kevin. They came on a Sunday this time after celebrating their wedding anniversary a few days ago. Congratulations and WELCOME again!

We have had lots of wind since opening and Bode came up with a solution--SIT ON THE ORANGE CONE so the broom doesn't tip it over! Thanks Bode--we put a pumpkin there to replace him when he left!

The Kindergarten classes from Halverson Elementary School in Albert Lea visited the Patch today. The following pictures show some of the FUN they had today! Here some are playing pumpkin CrowK.

Pumpkin Checkers anyone?

They all gathered for class pictures.

One of the classes getting organized for a group picture.

Do we dare go in?

Sure we do and WE MADE IT!

Bowling with pumpkins & having a BALL!

Shooting the hoops--I think he it made it too!

Bahama the llama also got in on some pumpkin treats!

The afternoon BUILDING BLOCKS GROUP also visited the patch and took a group picture.

then they all made faces and waved after a good time at the patch!

The BUILDING BLOCKS CLASSES came out and took a walk through the Maze on Wednesday.

Then the Building Blocks split into two groups and had their morning break with cookies and milk or juice.

It was nice sitting on the ground, out of the wind, behind their bus. Max even enjoyed a bite of their snacks--HE SAYS WOOF! (THANKS!)

Ms. Nelson's Kindergarten class from LAKEVIEW also visited the Patch today.

Ms. Lichter's class also posed for a picture.

As did Ms. Schoneman's class...THANKS FOR VISITING the patch today!

Mrs Wallin and Mrs Freemouw were part of a group from ST JOHN'S LUTHERAN HOME who visited the patch on Thursday.

They enjoyed the animals--especially BAHAMA the LLAMA who enjoyed some petting by Mrs Christensen.

They also enjoyed feeding Bahama some slices of pumpkin--Bahama enjoyed it too!

Drake is a BOY SCOUT and as part of earning a badge, he assists at St. John's and today helped at the Patch. He also enjoyed feeding Bahama.

Tracy, Kyra and Hailey from Freeborn enjoyed some time at the Patch today.

It was a beautiful day on Thursday and these kids enjoyed the different games at the patch.

Picking out their own pumpkins is always fun as Curtis and Jenna found out!

The last family I photoed in 2011 were Brian, Tonya and sons Gage and Jon....THANKS FOR ALL WHO VISITED THE PATCH IN 2011!