<img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/102705_Bowling.jpg"><br><font color="red">AND THE WEATHER WAS PERFECT FOR OUR LAST DAY TOO<br>as this group of kids enjoyed the PUMPKIN BOWLING LANES!</font><br><h4><i>See this and more pictures in the Photo Album of our last day....</i></h4><br><br> <img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/divider_flags_md_clr.gif"> <br><br> <img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/photo_album_md_clr.gif"> <a href="2005"> QUICK CLICK TO PHOTOS OF THE 2005 PATCH....</a><br>THE PHOTO ALBUM IS NOW COMPLETE FOR 2005...THANK YOU FOR ALLOWING ME TO SHARE YOUR PICTURES ON OUR WEBSITE!<br><br>  <img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/divider_flags_md_clr.gif"> <br><br><h1>LOOK WHAT HAPPENED EARLIER BEHIND THE SCENES.........</h1><br><br><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/6405_Planting2.jpg"><br>The Patch was planted on June 2 & 3 this year--the earliest date we've ever got it all in!  Here Mike is just finishing up with the official PUMPKIN PLANTER pulled by the official PUMPKIN TRACTOR planting the official HARRIS PUMPKIN SEEDS!<br> <img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/6405_GreenMachine2.jpg"width=450 height=350>  <img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/6405_FieldRoad2.jpg"width=450 height=350> <br><br>The PUMPKIN PATCH also sponsors a WISCONSIN Bowling Team from Green Bay at the annual USBC INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S BOWLING TOURNAMENT <br><font color="green"> in Tulsa, Oklahoma in April, 2005 <br>in Reno, Nevada in April 2006!<br></font>  The ladies did a GREAT JOB of representing the PATCH and got a few PATCHES of their own from their bowling participation.  THANKS LADIES for being our DREAM TEAM bowling ambassadors!<br><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/bowling_text_md_clr.gif"><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/Bowling1.jpg"><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/Bowling2.jpg"><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/bowling_pins_lg_clr.gif"><br><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/Team1.jpg"width=600 height=400><br><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/bowler_drying_hand_lg_clr.gif"><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/Bowling3.jpg"><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/bowler_waving_trophy_lg_clr.gif"><br><h3>THE DREAM TEAM is Sue & Shirley, Diane & Edna and Lenore & Pat<br><i>Photos courtesy of Catherine Buboltz Photography, Albert Lea</i></h3><br>As a follow-up, when you visit the Patch, you can also BOWL RIGHT HERE using pumpkins and gourds at our PUMPKIN PATCH BOWLING LANES...<br>STRIKE up some FUN--BOWLING at the PUMPKIN PATCH IN ALBERT LEA IS FREE!<br><img src="/mn/pumpkinPatchofAL/PP_Bowling.jpg"><br><br>
