Lines from the book Go Ask Alice.
"It's a good thing most people bleed on the inside or this would really be a gory, blood-smeared earth."

"I bet the pill is harder to get than drugs--which shows you how screwed up this world really is!"

"I feel like Alice in Wonderland. Maybe Lewis G. Carroll was on drugs too."

"Sometimes I think we're all trying to be shadows of each other, trying to buy the same records and everythings even if we don't like them. Kids are like robots, off an assembly line, and I don't want to be a robot!"

"I've heard some pretty wild stories about some of the kids at school, but I'm not them, I'm me, and besides, sex seems so strange and inconvenient, and so awkward....I can hardly picture sex or having a baby as being graceful."

(Written while the writer is in the asylum) "It can't be real! I'm still on my bad trip. I must be. I think they are going to bring busloads of school children by tomorrow to feed us peanuts through the bars."

Lines from the book Rule of the Bone.

"Stealing is only a crime but betrayal of a friend is a sin. It's like a crime is an act that when you've committed one the act is over and you haven't changed inside. But when you commit a sic it's like you create a condition that you have to live in. People don't live in crime, they live in sin."

"The truth is I really believed in wisdom then, that there actually was such a thing, I mean and a few people had it, like I-Man mainly and under the right conditions they could pass it on even to a kid and I believed, with my background and being a white American and all I especially needed some wisdom if I was going to grow up and be better at living my life than most of the adults I'd known so far were."

"In those old slavery days white people were really fucked up....Of course white people are still fucked up."

"Although you can be an outlaw or a criminal and still be trustworthy, just like you can be a cop or a minister and not be."

Lines from the book The Marzipan Pigeon

"Only Eurotrash never disappears. They're like Pampers in a land fill."

"You never get rid of the pain of feeling cheated, so you make it work for you. You adopt it like a street kid who follows you around popping gum until one day you wake up and you just don't give a shit anymore. Your whold body's swollen up inside from all the blows you've taken, and all you want to do is collapse in the ring and let the other guy walk away with the title. You stand there wavering, just waiting for that one supersonic blow that's going to choke up you eyes with blood and let you descend."

"I wish I could have stayed two forever. Real little kids have it easy that way. They don't have anything to worry about. But then again, they do shit in their pants, and that's no bed of roses either. I swear, all life is on big Catch-22. You either use your brain or shit in your pants."

"It's very hard to picture a whole bunch of nuns running around telling everybody to fuck off."

"What a nightmare, you can't even get a decent book of matches nowadays. Everything's covered with '970-SLUT' or 'BUTT' or something."

One line from a book I read called Meshugah.

"Many races have been wiped out since mankind came into being. The white race is incapable of tolerating rivals. Hitlerism is as old as humanity."

Email: calicochick@hotmail.com