RENT(hello that was obvious)@faeries and all types of little people#string cheese%cookies and cream ice cream from schawns$God Jesus The Holy Spirit^piano+ my bro*picking up worms after it rains$going to outdoor concerts and asking cuties to help you crowdsurf&poetry written especially for me~throwing surprise parties?ben folds#lounge music>acting crazy with my pals olof, jenna, and teah}my car prince ramone\my friend trina's pretty eyes@singing in the shower$dancing in the rain]blowing bubbles=making snow angels#writing wacky songs with my friend Geoff?saying boogy boogy&plucking on my acoustic guitar@ making my own clothes:typing with the caps lock on"acting in school plays|actually getting to ride shotgun%playing with spiders{anything with rainbows on it@X-Files* praying^teaching little kids german$dancing to the Spicegirls with my friends+going on road trips;hitting the return button%having snow ball fights$talking to my friend tara until four in the morning on the merry-go-round%everything about the movie Fame#pretending i am columbia from the rocky horror picture show+wearing barretts and bracelets[my doc martins*fuzzy kitties@japanese animation&stained glass{peach roses*watching the sunset %jamming with hippies at concerts^wearing platforms@turtles--the color baby blue~making my own pizza&watching videos with my dad$climbing trees#my friend Geoff who scanned all those great RENT pics for me%putting beads on my dreadlocks#wearing homemade fairy wings&going to art school*reading and writing poetry%wearing antique hats?going to metal concerts with my bro!pretending i am a great photographer|getting big tips when delivering...

Email: calicochick@hotmail.com