Rented Pix

This is my beautiful friend Trina. She holds a special place in my heart. She is 17 along with me and we are going to get tattoos together after her 18th birthday. Less than six months baby! She is an aspiring nurse with miracle hands. Having a nurse like her would definitely perk anyone up.

Nicki S. aka Nixon the Vixon.
This is Nicki and if u don't call her Nixon, she will pound u. She is the ska queen and all should bow down to her. All hail Queen Nixon.

Justin is my Commons pal. He rules at doing sound for the plays. I love him to death and plus, he is the only guy I know with incredible fashion sense. He's so much fun to tease. You big teddy bear, Justin.

Aaaaah Refreshing.
Jim u are hot! I missed you in Little Shop of Horrors. I'm sure you kicked some serious ass as the dentist. Erica, I think I'm gonna have to marry you. I miss your blue hair. Come on baby, dye it back. Cara, what can I say, you hold my heart. Moe is only the cutest nephew a girl could have.

Nicki aka Jelly Bean and Me
Jelly Bean is my favorite little club dresser. She'll wear anything and she could care less anyone says. She loves her Little Mermaid. Great choice but I think Lady and the Tramp is better.

She is so wonderful. We rushed for RENT tickets together and jammed with hippies together at the Lilith Fair. She's such a sweetheart, but she's heading for Broadcasting school in the Fall. Miss you babe. Of course I can always come for the weekend and hang out with you all and all the hot college boys. Just a note: Mel has a strange obsession with shoes.

Still to come a pic of Tara and one of Abby. Sorry babies, I still luv u to death.


Joanne and Maureen in a fight.
Angel and Collins before Angel's death.
Roger plucking out a tune.
Roger and Mimi on table.
Roger and Mimi again only this time with a candle. The cast.

I'm lost take me home.
