Forever Knight
Nick pushed the rewind button on the VCR. At almost the same moment, Natalie gave out with a huge sniffle. He handed her the box of tissues. "I don't see what has you so choked up." He said. "It isn't like ET is a real person. You have to remember, this is just a movie."
"I know that." Natalie sniffed again and blew her nose. "But it's still so sad. I mean, here's this poor little alien creature stranded on Earth hundreds of light years from his home planet. He's all alone and he's being hunted down by a group of military people and scientists. He nearly dies and he's brought back to life by a little boy's love. Now he has to leave the boy behind and return to his home planet. He knows he'll never see the boy again. He's sad and the little boy is sad. Doesn't that make you want to cry?"
After numerous failed efforts over the years, it had finally sunk in that the best thing to do at times like this was not to try to use logic. Natalie Lambert the Doctor's thought processes were very logical, structured and organized. Natalie Lambert the Woman could be easily dissolved into an emotional puddle over the simplest things. Like this movie. He had chosen ET because he thought that it would be upbeat and entertaining, but everything about the movie had sent Natalie into a crying jag. The best thing to do was simply to let her work her way through whatever mood she was in. So, Nick just handed her another tissue and smiled and pulled her to his shoulder. Besides, it gave him the perfect opportunity to hold her close and pamper her a little. < If only I could pamper her the way I want to pamper her. >
The trial of Jay Moore was scheduled to begin soon and Nick knew that this would be an especially difficult time for Natalie, as well as for himself.
Nick had a strong suspicion that Natalie still had nightmares about what Moore had done to her, but she repeatedly denied it. In public, she was the strong, determined, modern woman, but when they were together and alone, she practically clung to him and became very emotional over seemingly unimportant things. He knew that when she was ready, she'd let it all out, but until then, all he could do was to be there for her. < I want to be there for her forever. Oh God, I want to be with her. But I can't. It's too dangerous. I could kill her without even meaning to. >
He was due back to work tomorrow, so this would be the last evening that he and the Doctor could spend alone.
It had been a month since Mark Daley had nearly killed him. Although his wounds would have been fatal to a mortal, the fact that he was not a mortal meant that he had survived the attack. Albeit with considerable help from Natalie, LaCroix and the officers of the 96th precinct. The vampire factor in him enabled him to heal at a much faster rate than a mortal would. The blood given to him by the members of the High Council was also a significant factor in his rapid recovery as well. Except for a shiny pink circle of new flesh on his chest where he had been staked, all other physical signs of the traumatic experience were gone. This phenomenon had fascinated Major Sylvester Lethbridge-Stewart and Doctor Romana Baker from the United Nations Special Investigations Team. He lost count of the number of samples that they had taken while he recuperated.
Fortunately for everyone, Daley had pled guilty to the attempted murder of Nick and the kidnapping of Myra and Jenny Schanke at his arraignment, and was awaiting sentence. It was probable that he would be given consecutive 99 year sentences for each charge with no hope of parole. The maximum allowed under Canadian law.
So much had happened over the past few weeks. Ever since the members of the High Council had announced that they were vampires, interest in the Communities had grown almost geometrically. Vampires from all over the world were declaring themselves. Even among the mortals, numerous claims of vampirism were coming out. Goth was the in thing. Suddenly, it was fashionable to be a vampire. Or at the very least, a vampire wannabe.
He had received countless invitations from the press for interviews. There were at least a dozen requests for him to guest star on TV and radio. Not only did Playgirl want him to pose for their centerfold, but People, Time, and even Esquire wanted to do a story on him. He had even been invited to appear before Parliament. There were so many petitions for appearances, Schanke had suggested that he hire an agent to handle them. He vaguely remembered that several Hollywood agents were members of the Community. Maybe he would do just that. He made a mental note to check with Aristotle and / or Edgar Rathman to see if they had any information on vampire talent agents.
Logan Grainer paced the tiny room that he and Edmund Gloucester had called 'home' for the past three months. They had been assigned these quarters by Lady Zera and the High Council partly in retribution for their part in the revelation of vampires to the world at large. The other part of their 'sentence' was to undergo testing by the team of doctors and scientists from the United Nations Special Investigations Team.
" … And you thought the physical exam was tough. All those tests. X-Rays ... Y-Rays ... Z-Rays ... Sugar Rays … MRI's … EEG's … EKG's … CBC's …CYA's … PDQ's …CAT Scans ... DOG Scans ... They were all child's play." He groused to his roommate. " Just wait until they start with the mental part … What was your relationship with your mother, Logan? … My mother and I got along fine. It was my father I hated … Did you ever wet the bed, Logan? … Not since I was two … Were you jealous of your brothers and sisters, Logan? … I was an only child … Look at these pictures and tell me what you see, Logan? … Hell, all I saw were freaking blobs of ink … What are your fantasies, Logan? … You want to know what my fantasy is? … I'll tell you what my fantasy is … Right now, my *^%$@#& fantasy is to sink my ^%$#*&@ fangs into that &#^*\>$ shrink's neck … That's what my fantasy is." He sat on the bed. Hard. If it had not been constructed of tempered steel, it would have easily broken.
The Chief of Protocol paced the area around the desk. "You cannot be serious, Mr. Secretary." He fumed. "You mean to tell me you actually intend to bring the matter of these … vampires before the next meeting of the UN."
"I am very serious." The Secretary General replied.
"But they have nothing in the way of an acceptable government. They don't even have a viable constitution. And no one knows where their so called headquarters is located. Or if it even exists at all. All we have is the word of the alleged High Council. They have no territorial homeland of any sort. Not even a historic claim. They come from every national, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic background. I say they're the problem of their respective governments."
"And so were the Jews prior to the establishment of modern day Israel."
"That was different."
"How so?"
"They're just like us. They are mortals, after all. And they did have a homeland, even though it had been destroyed almost 2000 years ago."
"And the vampires aren't like us? You said yourself that they come from every possible background. According to their Lady Zera, the overwhelming majority of them were mortal at one time. Unless we investigate these peoples, we will never know if they, too might have had an ancestral home. That's why I'm opening negotiations with their High Council."
"But they drink blood." He shivered and made a face. "And they've killed people to get it."
"And so did the Toltecs of Mexico. And some African tribes still drink blood on a routine basis. As far as killing people goes …" The Secretary General only shook his head slowly. "Unfortunately, we mortals do that all too often as well ..."
"But they … "
"No more arguments. You will put it on the agenda and issue the necessary summonses."
The Protocol chief bowed stiffly. "Yes, Your Excellency."
" … I agree, Your Majesty." Etrian said to the person on the other end of the phone. "I know she can be stubborn and hardheaded at times, but she is your descendent. Perhaps you can talk to her and make her see that vampires are just like everybody else. They're just sunlight challenged … Yes. I know that would mean you would have to declare yourself, but I think eventually, it would come out anyway. Besides, having royalty among the Community does give us a bit of a snob appeal, don't you think? … Yes. Of course … I know it's your decision and the Council will respect whatever you decide … Thank you, Your Majesty."
Edgar Rathman had been overwhelmed with the task of persuading the various influential members of the Community to talk to their respective governments. He quickly realized that no one, either vampire or mortal, took him seriously. He didn't have much going for him as far as diplomacy was concerned. While he could talk you out of your shorts and make you think it was your idea, when it came to the fine art of sensitivity, he was in over his head. His method of negotiation had all the subtlety of an out of control freight train. After all, he was only a 'mere mortal' … and an ex employee of one of the world's least respected newspapers
That's when it hit him. Since he was dealing with government officials, what would be more appropriate than to have the members of the High Council do the talking? They could work with the vampires on a more equal footing than he could. They were after all, the 'government' of the vampires, weren't they?
It was almost child's play to convince the High Council to do it. They were very receptive to the idea. He always had the gift of persuasion, and he had fine tuned it into almost an art form while he was with the Peeper. That was one thing he owed to his previous employer. Perhaps the only thing.
Lady Zera had shown great insight when she 'sentenced' Edgar Rathman to be the press liaison. The man's instincts and hunches were uncanny. It was almost like he had a sixth sense about certain things. Because of his research, they now had a virtual 'diplomatic corps' of people to call on to try and persuade the world's governments to acknowledge vampires. In addition to the former monarchs and the ex president, he had located two princes and a princess, three prime ministers, nine ambassadors, and fourteen cabinet level ministers. In addition to numerous members of the various legislatures of nearly every country. Not to mention a near legion of minor and major nobility.
< Yes. He was a good choice. Perhaps with a little refinement, he would make an excellent addition to the Community. >
" … I understand, Mr. President." Adrienne Walking-With-Moon said into the phone as she paced her office. "But it couldn't hurt to talk with the current occupant of the White House. After all, you do know the procedures much better than anyone else. … Yes, Sir … I realize that it has been quite a while, but procedures could not have changed that much, could they? … You will? … Thank you, Mr. President."
"… And so, Your Highness, I think you should be the one to contact your people." Amahl T'Mutu said. "After all, you were one of the most beloved of your country's monarchs. Their acceptance of vampires would go a long way toward easing the tensions. … I realize that your country is a very small one, but it does hold a high position among the world governments … At least think it over … Yes, that would help a great deal, Your Highness … We will be in contact."
T'Mutu sighed heavily. This was the hard part of going public. Convincing the governments of the world that vampires are good citizens. That they are not all evil depraved monsters. That there are good and bad among them just as there are good and bad in any society.
Jay Moore sat across the table from his lawyer. The arraignment date had been set for next week. He had talked with a public defender previously, and had told him that he intended to plead guilty to all the charges. This man was a different attorney. Malcolm Elvers was in private practice. Very expensive private practice, too. According to what he had told the detective, he had been retained and paid for by an anonymous donor.
"I still don't understand. Why would someone go to the expense of hiring one of the most prestigious criminal lawyers in the area to defend me?"
"I don't ask those questions. I believe that everybody is entitled to the best defense possible, and apparently so does our anonymous benefactor." Elvers told his client. "Now to get down to what I am paid to do. As far as I can determine, this case has enough holes in it to drain spaghetti. If these documents are correct." He held up a folder. "The police committed numerous prima facia violations of your civil rights. I believe I could get all charges dropped with no problem."
"But I don't want all the charges dropped. I did it, and I told my other lawyer I was going to plead guilty and throw myself on the mercy of the court."
"I don't really give a fat rat's ass whether you did it or not. According to the law, everyone's innocent until proven guilty. You plead guilty and you'll wind up with ten to twenty easy. Why should you have to go to prison when they made so many mistakes?"
"Because in the joint, I'll be safe and protected. If I walk, Knight's gonna come looking for me. I could hide out in the ass end of Hell and he would find me. And when he's through with me, Reese and the rest of the 96th will be more than happy to pick apart whatever's left over. No thank you. At least in prison, I have an even chance of staying in one piece."
"You don't have to worry on that account. If … no, make that when … you are acquitted, we'll get restraining orders against everyone involved. If they come within a soccer field of you, they'll be the ones going to jail."
"If you're sure you can do that, I'll change my plea. Say. Why are you doing this? You must hate vampires too."
"Not just vampires. I dislike anyone who uses power and authority for personal reasons, like Reese and the others so obviously have done in this case." < Besides, my benefactor is paying me an obscene amount of money to defend you. While I think what you did is despicable, I can't refuse that much cash. >
"Well?" T'Mutu asked Edgar. "How is the 'Be Nice To Vampires Week' going? We've been doing all the work while you've been doing nothing but collecting statistics."
"You think that isn't work." Edgar replied. "Then let's switch places. I'll make the calls. You compile the profiles and crunch the numbers. That is, if you know what profiles to compile and what numbers to crunch and how to crunch them. I've been doing it for years."
T'Mutu smiled softly. "I guess you have a point there. So. What do your crunched numbers tell us?"
"You want the full report or the Readers Digest version?"
"The what?"
"The abbreviated version. You never read the Readers Digest?"
"What is that? Another tabloid? Never mind. Just give me the facts. Just the facts. And nothing but the facts." T'Mutu smiled broadly. "One of your television shows in the 50's used that phrase repeatedly."
"I believe the phrase was …Only the facts. Anyway. Here goes." He shuffled through the stack of papers in his inbox and pulled out a folder. "According to the latest stats, 'Be Kind To Vampires Week' as you call it is going very well. Thanks to my brilliant research and your tireless phone work, there are now 10 major governments willing to give full recognition and rights to vampires. Another 17 will give conditional acceptance. And 31 more are still considering it. So far, only 9 nations have flat out refused to even discuss the situation. These are mostly African and Middle Eastern dictatorships. All in all, not a bad place to be. That is, unless of course, your place is in one of those nine countries. They tend to lump Jews, Christians, foreigners, thieves, adulterers, and vampires together under the same umbrella. According to their point of view, everyone who does not willingly and wholeheartedly accept whatever they propagate as the legitimate and only true version of Divine Revelation is in league with the devil and must be eliminated by any means possible."
"I am so glad you agreed to meet with me." The Secretary General said, extending his hand to the gray haired woman who had just been shown into his office. "I do hope that we can come to some sort of a mutual understanding, Madame … Ah … Forgive me, but how should I address you?"
"You may call me Lady Zera if you wish. It is the only name I have used for the past three thousand years." She indicated the four vampires with her. "And these are the other members of the High Council. Etrian." He nodded. "Amahl T'Mutu." With a flourish, the black vampire touched his chest, chin and head while bowing slightly in a traditional Arabic greeting. "Chek Kai Chang." The oriental pressed his hands together and nodded deeply. "And Adrienne Walking-With-Moon." The Native American also bowed her head.
"It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Most people refer to me as Mr. Secretary." < Three thousand years? And I thought I had lived a long time at 68. > "And these are the members of the Commission on Vampire Affairs. Joshua Ben Shimon, NeMaka Inogunru, Wong Xaikang, and Dindugelele Melegandupangala." He had deliberately chosen these UN members to represent the mortal counterparts of the members of the Vampire Council. < When you said that one of the Council was Indian, I didn't realize that you meant American Indian. >
He pointed to a sideboard along one wall. On it were several bottles. Some held a red liquid. The others were clear. "May I offer you some refreshment? Do not worry. It has all been donated." He knew that for a fact. It was his blood. And the blood of the other UN Commissioners. From what Dr. Baker and Major Lethbridge-Stewart had told him, vampires could discern almost everything about a person from their blood. He hoped that the members of the High Council would be able to tell that they were sincere about resolving the status of the world's vampires.
Lady Zera accepted the glass and took a sip. A look of pleasant surprise came to her. "It is the blood of all those present, is it not, Mr. Secretary." She said. "And I, too hope that we can find a common ground." < Perhaps this will not be as difficult as I had anticipated. >
"Doctor Natalie Lambert." The man said.
Natalie hadn't even heard him come into her office. Of course, she was so engrossed in the tissue samples that were under her microscope, she wouldn't have necessarily noticed if World War Three had begun in the hallway. They were the latest samples from Nick, and she was comparing her findings to the results of the tests that the UNSIT team had run on the vampires from the Council Headquarters, primarily on Logan Grainer and Edmund Gloucester.
"Yes." She answered.
He handed her a document.
"What's this?" She asked.
"I get paid to deliver 'em, not read 'em." He said and briskly walked out the door.
She opened the envelope. She had been expecting this. It was a court summons. The Crown vs. Jason Moore.
"I see you got yours, too." Don Schanke pointed to the envelope on Nick's desk. "I can't believe the bastard plead not guilty. Still, it's going to be a pleasure seeing that sonofabitch get what's due him."
"Yeah." Tracy added. "Even though I didn't have that much to do with him, he always gave me the creeps. Like he was … I don't know … trying to see if I was … I don't even have the words … somebody from the wrong end of Queen Street ... I guess I'm not too good with words … " Her face was turning a bright pink / red / scarlet.
"I'd say you're doing pretty well. And you're right. He does look at every woman like she is nothing more than a possible one night stand." Nick said. "He deserves everything he's going to get."
"I know you're not that stupid, Willie. To take on the whole vampire establishment. After all, the High Council has agreed to go public, and so far, the mortals have accepted them and all the others who have come out. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all." Frank said.
Once more he and Willie were tempting fate by being at the Raven. This time, though they had carefully checked to be certain that Janette was not there. Or Miklos. According to the bartender, Janette was attending a concert, and it was Miklos's night off. Vachon, too was nowhere in sight. They were safe.
"And maybe Dame Edna will be the next Miss World." Willie replied. "Me, I'm not waiting around to see what happens next. I know what that will be. Sooner or later, some vampire is going to slip up and hurt or kill a mortal. And then watch and see how much they love us. It'll be stakes and garlic time. You wait and see. I got a friend who has an island in the Pacific. I'm going there as fast as I can. I'll wait it out there, if you don't mind. See you in a century or two. If you're still around, that is."
"Somehow, I don't believe that it will be that bad."
"Believe what you want. But there are a lot of us who believe as I do. Enough, in fact that we are going to start our own Community on the island. We'll be our own government. Do things our way, not the way that Lady Zera and all those other mortal kissing wimps want us to do. Just don't come crying to me when some sorry excuse for a mortal puts a stake through your heart and leaves you to barbeque in the sun."
"Were you not dressed in a very skimpy outfit and were you not made up in such a manner to that would indicate that you would welcome sexual advances? In other words, weren't you dressed as what could only be described as a common prostitute? Didn't several others in the bullpen beside Detective Moore make ... suggestive remarks to you?"
"Yes, but there was a … "
"Objection, your honor." Marstaad shouted. "Counsel is leading the witness."
"Question withdrawn." Elvers said.
"Now. To the night in question. Isn't it true that you totally misinterpreted his actions?"
"No way. There was no question in my mind what he intended to do."
"Isn't it true that Detective Moore has a reputation as somewhat of a flirt and a ladies man and that everyone knows that he is harmless and no one takes his actions seriously? Isn't it true that you completely misread his intentions and overacted to his playful and innocent remarks."
"They weren't playful, and there certainly was nothing innocent about his actions."
"You're positive you didn't lead him on?"
"Question withdrawn."
"Tell me, Doctor Lambert. Was Detective Moore armed when he came into the office?"
"Did he strike you before you began to assault him? And even when he did strike you, didn't he do it only in self defense. Isn't it true that he hit you only in an attempt to stop your completely unprovoked aggression?"
"Objection! Counsel is badgering the witness."
"Question withdrawn. No further questions."
"And just what was that little episode supposed prove?" Moore asked. "Marstaad objected to everything you asked. You didn't get one solid thing out of it."
"Oh yes I did. A lot of elephants." Elvers replied smugly.
Lucien LaCroix snapped off the TV. According to the evening news, the trial of Jason Moore was not going well. Although he had repeatedly professed dislike for the good Doctor, he secretly admired her. In light of recent events, he grudgingly had to admit he was actually becoming rather fond of her. < No. This kind of action will not be tolerated. Moore will pay for what he as done. One way or another. >
Nick sat at the Raven's bar, nursing a rather potent bloodwhiskey. Javier Vachon was beside him. Also with a drink, but far less powerful than the Detective's. "It's not going well, is it?" He asked.
"Not well at all." Nick replied. "In fact, Elvers is tearing the Crown's case to shreds."
"That's what Tracy told me, too. I thought you guys had an airtight case against him."
"We do. But Elvers isn't going by the facts. He's using innuendo and insinuation to plant questions concerning the Crown's case in the minds of the jury.
"Isn't that illegal?"
"Not exactly. It certainly is unscrupulous. But as soon as Marstaad makes an objection, Elvers withdraws the question. But by the time that happens though, it's too late. The thought is already implanted in the minds of the jurors, and no amount of objecting is going to remove it. I've seen him do this before."
"Can't you do the same things to him?"
"Unfortunately, the Crown operates under a completely different set of rules. We have to establish that Moore is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Elvers does not have to prove that Moore is innocent. Just that there is a reasonable doubt."
Javier let his fangs drop slightly. "I could solve the problem for you very easily." He said.
"You would have to get in line to do that." Janette replied. "I have had a long standing hatred of fiends like Jason Moore who prey on innocent women. And to spite what his slimy lawyer says, Natalie Lambert is innocent. If he is released, he will have to face justice sooner or later." Her jaw was set and there was more than a hint of gold in her eyes. "I intend to make it sooner."
"I ... claim the right to that piece of stercorum." Lucien LaCroix interrupted. No one had heard the master vampire come up. Then again, that was not unusual. "In the past months I have developed a great admiration for the good Doctor. Even though she is not one of us, I have come to think of her as family." His eyes became hard and there was a chill in his voice that frightened even casual bystanders. "And … No … One … Messes … With … My … Family."
"Your honor. My next witness is Detective Nicholas Knight. I ask that because of his special nature that he not be required to swear on the bible." Eric Marstaad asked.
"I object." Elvers shouted. "Because of the nature of this case, it is imperative that every aspect of the law be followed to the letter. I demand that Detective Knight be sworn in following the approved procedure."
" < Like he's following the rules? > Marstaad, as well as nearly everyone in the courtroom thought.
"Objection sustained." Judge Roy Harris ruled. "Detective Knight will be sworn in using the Holy Bible."
"… And do you swear to tell the truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth?" The bailiff asked.
Nick put his hand on the bible. The heat from the religious book seared into his palm, but it was not as uncomfortable as he had supposed it would be. "I do." He replied.
"Detective." Marstaad began. "I just have a few questions for you. Did Jason Moore confess to you that he had attempted to rape Doctor Lambert?"
"Yes he did."
"Did Doctor Lambert confirm this to you?"
"Yes she did."
"No further questions."
Malcolm Elvers practically swaggered to the witness box. This was going to be like shooting ducks in a barrel. "Detective Knight. You are a confessed vampire, are you not?"
"Objection. Knight's nature has no bearing on the case."
"I might point out that Prosecution brought the subject up when he asked that Knight be exempted from swearing on the bible."
"Objection overruled."
"I repeat. Aren't you a vampire?"
Knight nodded.
"Speak up. The court stenographer cannot record a head shake."
"And as a vampire, would you say that your strength is considerably more than a mortal's? Say about ten times?"
"And didn't you dangle Jason Moore over the fourth floor staircase in his apartment building? Even though you knew that he had been severely injured by Doctor Lambert?"
"Question withdrawn."
"Detective. Were you assigned to the case?"
"Then how did you find out about the incident in the morgue?"
"I overheard two other officers talking about it."
"I see. And were they assigned to the case?"
"Then perhaps they were eye witnesses?"
"No. One of the officer assigned to the case had told them about it."
"Did you talk to the officers in charge or to Doctor Lambert before you went to confront Detective Moore?"
"No, but I was not ... "
"Let me see if I have this straight. You relied on an eavesdropping ... of a hearsay ... of an unconfirmed report ... of a possible attempted sexual assault. Then with no further corroborating evidence, you took it upon yourself to use your superior strength to bully and harass a man, who was severly injured ... and in considerable pain I might add, into confessing to an unsubstantiated crime out of fear for his life."
"OBJECTION! Counsel is badgering the witness."
"Question withdrawn."
"Detective Knight. Isn't it true that you didn't like Detective Moore? Didn't you accuse him ... again without any corroborating evidence ... of being one of the persons that has been harassing you since you revealed yourself as a vampire?"
"Question withdrawn."
Elvers leaned on the rail of the witness box and stared at Nick for an uncomfortably long time.
"Did you arrest Detective Moore?" He asked softly.
"Not exactly. I detained him until the officers in charge got there."
"Didn't you handcuff him and once more dangle him over the railing ... unsupervised, I might add ... until Captain Reese and Detectives Schanke and Vetter arrived?"
"Question withdrawn." Elvers practically strutted in front of the jury box. He had this case right where he wanted it.
"Did you inform Jason Moore of the specific charges against him and read him what is commonly called the Miranda Rights before you began to question him?"
"Objection! Detective Knight is not the investigating officer."
"Question withdrawn. No further questions." He had established his point.
"How much longer is this going to go on?" Natalie practically sobbed as Nick escorted her into his loft.
He could see that this was getting to her in a very significant way and he wanted to be with her when, not if, she finally broke. He could tell she was almost at that point now.
"Elvers is making us and everyone else involved look like we're all a bunch of incompetent, lying nincompoops." He could see the tears starting to well behind her eyes. "I know what Moore tried to do to me. I know what I had to do to stop him. That ... That ... " She started shaking. "He's trying to make the jury think that I wanted Moore to ... " Her voice broke and she buried her head in his shoulder. "Oh, Nick. How can he do this? How can he be so cruel? Doesn't he know what it's like to have to go through this horrible thing in the first place, let alone tell the court, and the whole world what he did to me? And then to be accused of wanting it to happen ... " Her shoulders shook as the tears she had been holding back escaped in a flood.
Nick tenderly folded her into his arms and started rocking her slowly as one would a small anguished child. Gently, he guided her to the couch. His heart broke to see her like this. < I WILL see that he pays for what he did to you. By whatever means necessary. I swear it on my love for you. >
After what seemed like an eternity, Natalie's cries slowed to sobs and after another eternity, finally stopped altogether. They were replaced with a slow gentle breathing. According to her heartbeat, she had cried herself to sleep. Nick had no thoughts that it would be a pleasant restful sleep. He started to gather her into his arms to take her up to the bedroom, but the minute he tried to move her, she clung even more tightly to him, as though she were drowning and he was her only salvation.
"You don't have to gang up on me like this." She held up a sheet of paper. "It's my request for two weeks leave. I just finished filling it out when the Captain called us in here."
Nick paced the hallway outside Lady Zera's private office. When he had returned to the loft from the precinct, there were two Enforcers waiting for him. They escorted him to the headquarters by the same circuitous route that he had been taken the first time he had been summoned. He was only mildly surprised when a few moments later, Lucien LaCroix was ushered into the same hallway.
"Do you have any idea why we have been summoned here?" Lucien asked his son.
"None. I was hoping you might know something."
All I know for certain is that those two gentlemen ... " he pointed to the Enforcers standing at the end of the hall. " ... were waiting for me when I went to go to the broadcast booth for my nightly show. I fear CERK will have to air a rerun. And I had such a good monologue tonight. All about loyalty and faithfulness." He shrugged his shoulders. "I assume this has something to do with what occurred in your Captain's office earlier tonight. You, Detective Schanke, and your Captain were placed on suspension while those in high places ... as the phrase goes ... hold a kangaroo court to decide your fate."
"How did you know about that? It only happened a few minutes before I left and came home. And it is not a kangaroo court. The IA is conducting an official investigation. And it's completely legal."
"Nicholas. When will you learn? The people behind this so called investigation are not members of the Friends-Of-Vampires society. They would like nothing better than to see the entire Community staked and laid out in a neat row on one of the secondary runways at Pearson International at the earliest possible sunrise. As to how I knew what happened, there is very little that happens that concerns the Community that I do not know about. Especially when it involves a member of my family. And if I know about it, you can rest assured that Lady Zera and the Council know about it as well."
"That we do, Lucius." Lady Zera said as she came into the hallway. "And we will be following it extremely close. We will do what is needed if push comes to shove. But that is not why I summoned the two of you here. She opened the door to the office. "If you will come in, I will explain."
She pointed to two overstuffed leather chairs opposite her desk. "It has come to our attention that certain critical aspects of Nicholas's training were omitted when he was a fledgling. Because of this, he has suffered severe bouts of anxiety and guilt over the centuries."
"I omitted NOTHING in Nicholas's training." Lucian practically shouted. "He knows all that he has to know in order to function within the vampire community. And angst and guilt have nothing to do with what he was taught or not taught. They are part and parcel of Nicholas's personality. He has been this way from the first day he was brought across."
"While he may know all that a vampire ... needs to know, he does not know many things that every vampire ... should know. With the proper training, many of his problems in that area could have been eliminated or would not have occurred in the first place."
"Are you accusing me of being derelict in my duties regarding Nicholas?" Lucien was on his feet. " Because if you are ... "
"Sit ... Down ... Lucius." Lady Zera's eyes were hard and rimmed in gold, and the tips of her fangs were showing beneath her upper lip. Lucien LaCroix resumed his seat. The Master vampire and the Ancient were locked in an uncomfortable staring contest for several minutes
Eventually a small smile spread across Lady Zera's face and she broke the contact. Her eyes returned to a soft hazel and her fangs receded. "Of course! I should have realized it! You are correct, Lucius. You did not omit anything from Nicholas's training. You DID teach him everything YOU knew about being a vampire. The problem is, that you did not know all there was to know about being a vampire."
"I have been a vampire for almost two thousand years. Surely I know what it means to be a vampire." This time, Lucien's eyes were gold. "And I have passed that knowledge to my son."
"And I have been a vampire for over ten thousand years. I believe I know much more about being a vampire than you will ever know." Once more the gold lined her eyes. "If you will allow, I will teach Nicholas what he needs to know."
"I will NOT allow! Nicholas is MY responsibility, not yours. He has survived this long with what he knows and he will survive another eight hundred years without any further training. You may be the Presider of the Council, but … I … am Nicholas's master. I … have the final say."
"Excuse me, you two. Would you mind not talking about me as if I were not here?" Nicholas spoke up angrily. "I do have some say about my future, don't I?"
"Shut up, Nicholas." LaCroix growled.
"Shut up, Lucius." Lady Zera growled even louder. "Nicholas is right. We have been ignoring his wishes in this matter."
"HIS wishes are of no matter. I … will decide what he needs to know. And he knows all he has to know." LaCroix hissed. He lowered his barriers and let his power wash over the Ancient Presider.
"And I just might decide to end this discussion … permanently." Lady Zera hissed back. < Two can play this little game. > Her eyes glowed red and her fangs became fully extended. Her power flowed over the former Roman General in almost unbearable waves.
The pain was obvious as Lucien LaCroix considered the implications of that remark. Intimidation was his usual way of ending a … difference of opinion. Unfortunately, he had forgotten just … WHO … he was intimidating. Lady Zera intimidated back. And as an Ancient ... and the Council Presider ... she intimidated much more forcibly than he could. Finally, he nodded almost imperceptibly in submission.
"Be glad you hold a … special place in the vampire Community, Lucius. I would not tolerate this behavior from anyone else." Lady Zera continued. Her eyes returned to their natural color. "Now then. We were … discussing Nicholas's training deficiencies."
LaCroix started to say something, but thought better of it.
"If you will let me finish. You did not know every thing you needed to teach him about being a vampire because you were never taught these things either. Divia, your master, was little more than a fledgling herself when she brought you across. She did not know what was needed, so she could not teach you. And you, in turn could not teach Nicholas. If you wish, you may … sit in ... on his training sessions with me to insure that I do not miss anything. Is THAT satisfactory?" The look in her eyes said that it had better be satisfactory.
"What things will I have to learn?" Nicholas asked.
"Actually, it's very basic. How to take from a living being without harming them. How to control the hunger in a relatively painless way. Dealing with religious objects in a normal manner. Blocking. Sending. Tolerating small amounts of direct sunlight. Eating and enjoying mortal foods. Things like this."
"I will not kill."
"No one said you have to kill. To be truthful, it was never necessary to kill to survive. Unfortunately, the knowledge required to feed without killing has been forgotten over the millennia. We will gladly teach you that skill. You do have a mortal … girlfriend, Natalie Lambert is her name, I believe. From what I gather, you have not been intimate with her because you are afraid that you might kill her in the act. If you knew how to take without harming her, wouldn't it be easier to express your feelings to her?"
< Make love to Nat? I want that with all my heart and all of whatever soul I have left in me. > Nicholas did not answer. At least not verbally, however, his shorts were becoming painfully tight in his groin area, and noticeably so even through his trousers.
"I will take that as a yes."
His shorts became even tighter as he noticed where Lady Zera was looking.
"We will begin at sundown tomorrow. While you are training, I think it would be better if you stayed here. I have taken the liberty of having rooms prepared for you. I have also taken the liberty of having an assortment of your clothes and other personal effects brought here." She motioned to one of the ever present Enforcers in the room. "Jorge will see you to your quarters."
Janette threw the newspaper to the floor. The headline screamed 'Vampire Cop Investigated'. Under it was ' Captain And Partners Also Implicated'. A third header proclaimed 'Coroner Involved As Well'. "Damn that fils d'une chienne Moore and his batard imbecile abruti of a lawyer! DAMN! DAMN!! DAMN!!!" She yelled. Fortunately, there was no one in the Raven office, and the area leading to the main part of the club was soundproofed. "He can't do this to Nicholah and the others! They were just doing their jobs! This investigation makes them seem like THEY were breaking the law, not him!"
"Miklos! Where's LaCroix?" She said as she stomped into the bar area. There was almost literally fire in her eyes.
The Greek vampire shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea, Miss Janette. He hasn't been in all evening. Have you tried his home?"
" ... And his office at CERK ... And his cell phone ... And Nicholah's loft ... And HIS cell phone as well. There's no answer anywhere." She sat on the end stool and Miklos brought a glass of the special vintage reserved for her. "Frankly, I am worried. Have you seen the headlines? This could mean trouble for the Community, and now with LaCroix and Nicholah missing, I am afraid it could be serious. Perhaps I should contact Screed. As much as I dislike consulting a Carouche, he is, after all, an Elder."
"I'm afraid you can't do that either." The bartender replied. "He, Vachon, and Miss Tracy left for two weeks in Las Vegas right after sunset."
"Well then. Who is left?"
"Just you and I, Miss Janette." Miklos said softly.
"Merde." Janette mumbled as she downed her drink in one gulp.
Amahl T'Mutu practically broke the remote as he shut off the television set. Most of the news was filled with the story of the investigation in Toronto. It disturbed the Councilman that none of the so called defendants were permitted to be present at the investigation while Moore and his attorney were privy to the entire proceedings.
And most of the news was not good. The commentator was portraying Jay Moore as the poor innocent victim of the big bad vampire, Nick Knight. Interviews with the supposed general public seemed to show that the majority of the people were of the same opinion. T'Mutu suspected that the interviewees were carefully selected to further this. "I want to have about a half hour with Moore and his mouthpiece. I wouldn't need that long, but I want it to be long, slow and hurt very much." He seethed.
"You wouldn't do anything like that." Chek Kai Chang said as he took a seat on the overstuffed couch in the main room of the living quarters that the Council shared. "Would you?"
"I have watched Nicholas de Brabant for several centuries." T'Mutu said. "While I have not always agreed with his actions on many occasions, I have to admire his strength and courage in staying true to his principles. We both know what bravery and fortitude it took to come out in the first place. Now these people are trying to undermine everything he and all the others who have revealed themselves have worked for. I cannot allow this to happen."
"I know. We both have survived many persecutions for what we are." Chek replied. "I don't want that to happen again, either. I don't know if killing Moore and Elvers is the answer. I doubt that it is, but I can certainly empathize with you. I wouldn't mind seeing them dead as well for what they have done and are doing to the Community."
"Unfortunately, the damage has already been done, and killing them will not undo it. Although it would give me great moral satisfaction to drain that sleazy cop and his slimy no good lawyer." T'Mutu smiled menacingly and licked his lips.
Vachon pounded on the bathroom door. "C'mon, Trace. Don't take all night in there."
"I'll be finished in a minute."
"That's what you said fifteen minutes ago. If we don't leave soon we'll miss the show at the Mirage. Screed managed to get fifth row center section tickets for all of us. Seems he knows one of the managers real well."
"I'm going as fast as I can, but a girl's gotta do a lot of things to look gorgeous for her menfolk"
"Three minutes. Then I'm flying over to the Mirage and bringing one of the tigers across."
Slowly, the door opened and Tracy came out. She was dressed, but she still had a towel wrapped around her head. "Okay, but don't blame me if my hair looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket." She waggled her finger at Vachon. "Why did I let you two talk me into agreeing to the three of us staying in a two bedroom suite with only one bathroom? Just let me ... "
In answer, there was a whooshing sound and then the sound of the door being locked. "VACHON! I've got all my things in ... " The sound of the shower running drowned out the rest of her sentence. It was followed by a hair dryer and then there was the noise made by what only could be an electric razor.
"Are you using my Lady Schick?" She bellowed.
"But Tracy. I forgot mine and I have to trim my beard."
"Your beard? Is that what you call that thing?"
"Wouldn't want me to look ... scruffy, would you?"
"Heaven forbid. Now get out of there and let me finish before I stake you with whatever happens to be handy."
He opened the door and stepped out wrapped in one of the hotel's huge bath towels. Holding it with one hand, he swept a low bow. "Whatever my lady wishes."
Before she had a chance to go in, there was another whoosh and Screed took charge of the bathroom. He must have been in the shower too, because Tracy heard the most horribly off key rendition of a bawdry sailor's chantey that she had ever heard. This was followed by another round with her Lady Schick and the hair dryer.
< What's he got to dry? > Tracy wondered.
Finally, Screed came out, wrapped in nothing but a huge smile. "It's all yours, Sweet Cakes." He too made a low bow.
While Tracy had seen naked men before, she had never seen Screed naked before. She earnestly hoped she never saw him naked again. While he was not exactly ugly, he was very thin and not extremely well muscled. He looked like little more than an animated skeleton.
"What's a matter, Baby Jane? Never seen a bloke in 'is altogether afore?" He asked, barely suppressing a grin at her reddened face.
Tracy scooted in without answering.
"C'mon Trace." Vachon was pounding on the door almost before she had it locked. "Get the lead out. Show begins in twenty minutes."
It took her only a few minutes to complete her chores. When she came out, she was very pleasantly surprised to see that both Vachon and Screed were dressed in casual dress clothes and both indeed had shaved, and at least Vashon had styled his hair. < Using MY razor and MY dryer. >
They cocked their arms to her and the three of them headed out of the room for the show.
Screed, Tracy and Vachon made their way to the elevator.
"What's wrong, Baby Jane?" Screed asked "From what I seed on you in the show and what I sees now, I'd be likin' to thinkin' somebody 'ad walked across your lower lip. A bloke'd think you didn't hap-re-she-i-ate the troubles I 'ad to goes through to score those pasteyboards fer youse. 'Ad to practerically gets down on me knobby kneecaps and beg for 'em. Seems the blokes in charge over at the Miy-rage forgets real quick like 'oo's a big spender, they does. That's not important, anyhoo. The important thing is you're supposed to be enjoying yourself, but you ain't. C'mon. You can tell ol' Screed. What's troublin' in your pretty little 'ead."
"Sorry, Screed." Tracy answered. "I really did enjoy the show but I just can't help thinking about what Nick, Don and Reese are going through back in Toronto. And I know Natalie must be frantic too."
"I told you I'd take care of Moore if you want me to, Tracy." Vachon said.
"No way, Vachonetti. Wouldn't want you to get your fangies all bloodied up over the likes of 'im now, would you? Might make you right ill, 'e might. That bag o' overripe ratzie pellets needs a Carouche to do 'im proper, 'e does. An' I volunteers meself to do the jimmy jam, Sweet Fruit. Be right proud to do the deed too, I would. And just for you … no charge."
"Damn you, Lady Zera." LaCroix muttered as he turned into yet another blind corridor. He knew that the Headquarters building was huge but he had no idea just how vast it was until he began his quest. The task was simple. Find Nicholas. He was hiding somewhere in the building. The only problem was that Lady Zera had taught him how to block the link that existed between the master vampire and his son. That was Nicholas's assignment. To keep LaCroix out. That meant the only way to find him was to search each and every passageway and floor inch by inch. < May a rutting buffalo find you in his hour of greatest need. >
"Perhaps I can help you with that. It would be a pleasure to put him out of your misery. I have a thousand year old grudge against ecume d'etang like him. I would like to see that he got what is coming to him."
"No, Janette. If you were to do anything to him, particularly at this time, it would have horrendous consequences for the Community."
"Who says I would do anything? And who says it would even be a vampire? As I understand it, there are numerous persons among the mortal community who would take great pleasure in seeing that Jason Moore became a permanent resident at Mount Pleasant Cemetery."
"Promise me you won't do anything to Moore."
"I promise I won't drain him." <But there are other ways to kill, and I know quite a few of them. >
"Okay." She looked at her watch. "I didn't realize it was so late. I've got to go to work."
"But I thought you had been suspended until the IA investigation was over."
"I may have been suspended from my duties as a coroner, but I'm still a doctor. A friend of mine from medical school runs a free clinic over on East Queen and I've been helping out there three days a week."
"That is most admirable." Janette rose and opened the door for Natalie. "I really do hope things work out for the best for everyone concerned." <And they will, if I have anything to say about it. >
"So do I. And thanks again for talking with me."
"My pleasure. You know you're always welcome here." She kissed Natalie lightly on the cheek. It was such a pleasure to have a mortal friend like her. She was beginning to see why Nicholah loved her so.
I love you
You love me
We’re a great big family.
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won’t you say you love me too!
Natalie Lambert tried vainly to calm her rapidly beating heart. The sight of the two men who could only be Enforcers had nearly scared her to death. Literally. It was bad enough being suspended from work because of the investigation. To add to the problem, Nick had not been seen or heard from for the past two weeks. LaCroix was missing, too. According to Janette, some of the more outspoken members of the Community were saying that the detective and his master had turned tail and ran when things got tough.