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Global World-View Christian Resources

Global World-View Christian Resources


  • Bibles for the World, spreading the "Good News"
  • Bible Pathway, thru the Bible in one year!
  • Logo Bible Software, interactive library in your hand
  • Multilanguage, Bibles in different languages!
  • Wycliffe
  • "mega" Churches

    -South Korea
    Manmin Joong-Ang Church, world's largest located in Seoul, South Korea

    -United States

  • Brooklyn Tabernacle, famous choir from New York City, NY
  • Lakewood Church, 100 million viewing t.v. service based in Houston, TX
  • The Potter's House, T.D. Jake's in Dallas-Ft.Worth, TX
  • Saddleback Valley Community Church, Lake Forest, CA
  • Willow Creek, located in Chicago, IL
  • World Revival Church, Smithton Outpouring revival continues in Kansas City, KA
  • "Mega Churches Grow Bigger and Bigger", ABC News article
  • Conferences
  • Global Prayer, world congress on intercession, spiritual warfare and evangelism
  • Education


  • International Bible Society,publisher of the New Intl. Version
  • Bob Siemon Designs, reach the world
  • Mission Books
  • Nissi Publishing, an article on the Ark of the Covenant
  • AMG Publishers
  • Christian Answers, answers to Frequently Asked Questions
  • Gospel Communications Network
  • Jesus is Lord, get some knowledge on this
  • College Course Related Topics:


  • Rock of Ages, Biblical Archaelogy
  • -Art

  • Christian Art
  • Albrecht Durer, Renaissance German Artist
  • Michelangelo Art on the Web, a Christian artist
  • -History

  • Internet Christian Library,guide to ealry chruch documents
  • Entertainment

  • Overland Missions, a show linked from down below in TBN
  • Travel the World, show on folks going from one nation to another
  • Evangelism Tools

  • Chick Publications, discover the Bible!
  • Financial


  • Global Health Ministries
  • AIDS

  • He Intends Victory
  • Pandemic Facing Aids, film on a global perspective

  • “Journey’s of Faith”by Canon Gideon Byamugisha, Lucy Y. Steinitz, Glen Williams and Phumzile Zondi

    Humanitarian Outreach

  • Christian Children's Fund
  • Compassion International, sponsoring a child opportunity
  • Feed the Children, helping feed America's own starving children
  • Food for the Poor, for neighboring Latin America area
  • Habitat for Humanity, building homes w/ the Gospel's foundation
  • Joy Junction, New Mexico's largest homeless shelter
  • Samaritan, an international Christian relief and evangelism org.
  • 30 Hour Famine, reaching out to the world's poor, sick, hungry, and homeless in Christ's name.
  • Internet focus

  • Awareness of Jesus Christ,Internet Campaign
  • Christian Internet Radio Network
  • Christianity Online, community of 95,000 members
  • Christian Web
  • E Group Home, join the e-mail list groups
  • Global Christian Network"mission of building the Christian community worldwide
  • Goshen, links to great christian related homepages!
  • I Exalt, filtered internet service
  • I Love Jesus, internet way of spreading the gospel
  • Jesus is Lord, awesome links
  • Living Life in Victory with Jesus,Christians joining hands across the Web
  • Ministy Mall, web's well known ministries
  • Web Friday Fax, join the e-mail list group
  • World Christian Online
  • Homepage Creating Stuffs:

  • Christian Graphics Gallery
  • Cyber Grace Christian Network,get some christian clip art for your homepage

  • The Body of Christ
  • Jesus Christ, the son of God
  • Jesus Christ is God
  • Jesus Film, a video ministry project
  • Jesus Video, a video to easily reach your community for Jesus Christ
  • Jesus Talk,bringing Christians together as one
  • Jews for Jesus
  • Job Opportunities to do God's work!

  • Christian Job Links, contact 1-800-420-1342
  • Mainstream Society


    Cable Television

  • Christian Broadcasting Network-700 Club, positive news showing MANY of God's work @ 10-11p.m. CDT in the Family Channel
  • Christian Network, news in the Christian community
  • Christian Communication Network
  • Inspirational Network,24 hr day programmer and advertiser
  • Middle East Reporting In Truth
  • Sky Angel, satelite dish service
  • Trinity Broadcasting Network
  • Magazines

  • Charisma Magazine,Christian news
  • Newspaper

  • Jerusalem Chrisitian Review,Jerusalems' leading Christian newspaper
  • Radio

  • Mission Network News
  • Ministry

  • RWCC
  • Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, a Minnesota base organization-cool!
  • Harold Eatmon Ministries Int'l, another MN based
  • Harvest Evangelism City Reaching Team
  • Eastman Curtis, has a ministry based in Tulsa, Oklahoma
  • Faith in Focus,"evangelizing the lost...empowering the saved"
  • Ron Hutchcraft Ministries
  • Servant Evangelism,"small things done with great love will change the world"
  • Servant Evang.,recent messages by Steve Sjogren
  • Issue Focus


    "For you are all sons (and daughters) of God through faith in Christ Jesus...There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:26 and 28


  • Christian Aid, reaching 3,000 tribes and nations
  • Christian Persecution Report,up to date reports!
  • Gospel Recordings,tool for evangelism to other nations
  • Overseas Crusades International
  • Persecution:

  • International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Chuch, Nov. 16-"Shatter the Silence!"
  • Open Door USA
  • Day of Prayer, for the persecuted church
  • Shared Hope
  • The Voice of the Martyrs, news of christians persecuted
  • ...cont.

  • Fasting & Prayer
  • World Team Missionary Organization, to establish reproducing churches among the least evangelized peoples of the world.
  • World Vision
  • Other

  • International Ministerial Fellowship
  • v
  • Christianet, directories, etc..
  • Mission Links
  • Outreach

  • Kindness,creative suggestions for spreading the love of Jesus Christ
  • Prayer

  • Pray World! 2000, 40 daysculminating on Palm Sunday
  • U.S. Prayer Track
  • 24-7 Prayer
  • World Prayer Team
  • Travel

  • Wide World of Travel, a Christian agency serving the Christian community
  • Worship

  • Hosanna! Music, new praise and worship CD's
  • Marantha Music
  • Passion Now
  • Women Focus

  • Women
  • Women of Faith 1-800-49-FAITH
  • Women on the net,Women's resources
  • Youth

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