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Sal's Praise Reports

Below are some persoanl, general, and other testimonies/praise reports on how God has been faithful throught the bad-good times! Jesus is alive! ("same yesterday, today, and forever"-Hebrews)


Sunday, August 3rd 2003 "Wallet Found"-Every lost something (wallet, keys, kids-j/k!, homework, etc...)? I can share many stories with almost everything listed above; maybe not kids-I think? (babysitting?-I won't get into this!) Well, I just finished our last game of our church softball tournament. After an "ok" season (we one one game during the regular season-first in our first 2 seasons in this league), we lost 2 games in the double-elimination tournament on Sunday after winning the first last Tuesday. It was around 8pm when Tim, Tom, and I were about to head to Subway for supper since it was too late to cook. I didn't realize I lost my wallet until I was going to help pay for the 2 footlongs for $7.99 deal. I then said to Tim, "My wallet is back in my car, so I'll pay you back later". When we got to our house (2 blocks away), I went to my car and found out my wallet wasn't there. While Tim and Tom ate already, I was panicking going up and down the stairs (we live upstairs in a duplex) to my car trying to figure out where my wallet was. I finally humbled my self and ask the guys to pray for my situation with a little embarassment.

Tim prayed and I decided to calm myself down to take a shower and eat with them before my sandwhich got cold. After eating, I told Tim that I was going to go downstairs to call MJ (realize that I may have put my wallet in a bag of sunflower seeds that I bought from Willies-grocery store for MJ prior to the game; worst case scenario, that bas was left at Benson and was stolen or thrown away-may had to go back and dig the garbage-ah! ah!). As I was opening the door, and "angel" came (not literally)! I was suprised and happy to see MJ just outside of the door. He was waiting there close to 10 minutes as we didn't have a door bell and he didn't have no way to get our attention from upstairs. I then greeted him with a smile and shared this aweseome answer to...

prayer (Tim: "Lord we pray that Sal's wallet will come to the right hands and will be Jesus' name..Amen!);
Verses Matthew 7:7 "ask and it'll be give" or Jonah 2:2 "In my distress, I call to the Lord"; These are just a couple of verses on how God can answer you if you just go to him.

Lesson Learned: Whenever you lost something or get stressed out on something; just stop what you are doing (take 5 deep breaths too), go on your knees and humbly cry out to the Lord or even sit down and read the Bible relating to your circumstances (look in the concordance).


-9.11.01 Testimonies, "a day of infamy" that many in our generation will never forget. It was a day that many people and churhes got together (and grew too, but went down after people got back to their "normal" lives, which life wasn't back to normal for some again (people grew closer to each other as life became more precious). Here was my story, as I reflect what happened that day for me. I'm thankful for my family, friends, and appreciated "time" (I have a home video when I went there with some of my family back in 1991) after hearing stories (including my relatives share of their co-workers when I was in the Philippines a month after 9/11/01) on how they could've been one of the numbers that died.



  • Morris Community Church, local church praise reports
  • Nation

  • Power to Change, real life stories of real people
  • Global

    GFA Urgent Update on Missionary Kingram -- Aug 11, 2003

    Dear Salvaoor,

    We just received exciting news about Kingram, the GFA missionary in Bangladesh for whom many of you have been faithfully praying. He suffered from a disease affecting his liver, and doctors had given up hope for his life.

    But by the grace of God, Kingram is getting better! His condition has improved considerably, and the doctors are amazed. "We believe the Lord has done a miracle. Praise God!" said a Bangladesh field leader this morning.

    Thank you for interceding on behalf of this dear brother and the millions of unreached in Bangladesh. May all glory go to God for his miraculous recovery!

    NEWS: (October 17, 2003) "The Gospel Brought to Life"

    A movie playing in Asian villages is having an eternal impact on many lives. It is a touching, Indian-made film on the life of Jesus.

    A team of five native missionaries recently drove into one Indian village, home to 25 families. In their van were Bibles, Gospel tracts and film equipment. They came to show the film on the life of Jesus. The villagers gladly received the missionaries because one of them belonged to their own tribe. Nearly 200 people showed up to see the movie.

    As darkness fell, the crowd sat on the ground and watched the Gospel unfold before their eyes. At the end, many received Jesus Christ. Even a devout idol worshipper came forward to receive a Bible. “I will read this and learn more about Jesus,” he said, holding it carefully.

    The next day an elderly man, challenged to grow in his Christian faith, donated a portion of his small farm for the building of the first church in that village. How we praise Jesus that He uses the medium of film to bring His love to the unreached of Asia. *Post prayer or praise:
    *Sponsor a missionary:

    ----------------------------------------- :::: Gospel for Asia:

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  • Good News Radio Show, links on other websites I used to report on a radio show I did
  • Please feel free to add yours by e-mailing your story to

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