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Praise God

Does God exist? I know He does in my life based on what He has done in my life. It's like what famous evangelist, Billy Graham said- "I haven't seen the wind, but I have seen the effects of the wind":

Sunday, July ? 2003 "Touch of Healing" I hurt my knee after a "stupid" play I made with the Morris Community Church Softball Team a couple weaks ago. Coincidentally-God timely, a ministry called "Heart of the Father came to do a crusade in Morris-hosted by the local Hossana Worship Center. I've been doing a weekly radio show called "Good News" at the UMM campus. Unfortunately, this weekend my radio show was cancelled due to the radio tower not working due to weekend storm. Instead of the doing the radio show-was about to do a live phone interview with a friend that helped organized this concert on the room that coincide with Heart of the Father Ministries-I decided to check out this special service myself. The speaker, David Nichols, shared and invited people to come up for healing. Pretty much the story is self-explanatory if you know what God does in healing services. I walked out of there carrying my crutches. I have to be honest, I was doubting! However, it was a testimony to the eyewitnesses out there. It's between them and God if they believe that He still heals today!

Saturday, June 28th 2003 "Time in His Hands" I was scheduled to visit my sister at the hospital (wasn't feeling well) after I attended this outdoor christian music festival-"Music Fest 2003" at the State Fairgounds. I was with a friend of mine, Shannon Fahey, whom I invited

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