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SYATP Feedback

SYATP 2004

Was up? We are doing a questionnaire for those who came and were involved at this year's "See You At the Party 2004". We would like to get your feedback, so we can start planning (with God of course!) for next year's event.


Q: What is SYATP Plan B if we get severe weather? A: Here are some of Sal's suggestive possible plans:
-have local churches be ready to be open for travelers (parents, youth groups, bands, etc..) to have them stay overnight to sleep in (provide sleeping quarters, food/water, emergency first aid, etc..)
-Winter Weater Impact Awareness, suggestive preparedness
Weather (poweroutage included) Tips, from the City of Seattle

Q: What are some other ways to personally interact with the youth?
A: Have game boards available at the cafeteria for youth to play with counselors/adults (e.g. chess, checkers, scrabble, monopoly, etc..)

Q: What is SYATP's Target group?
A: Youth ages 13-19! This can be a diverse focussed outreach to a variety of music (hip-hop, punk rock, acoustic, worship, contemporary crowd), entertainment (magic, video games, risk takers, etc..), and sport fans (basketball, inflatables). Culturally, this would be appealing to the Native American Indian youth with "Red Cloud" (Rez Outreach), who is a hip-hop Native American Indian from California.

Q: Is SYATP open to all churches (e.g. Catholics, traditional, conservative, etc..)
A: see Chirsitan Youth Resources)

Was up? We are doing a questionnaire for those who came and were involved at this year's "See You At the Party 2000". We would like to get your feedback, so we can start planning (with God of course!) for next year's event. Please copy this format into your e-mail and send it to (OR) Mail it to: SYATP2000, 901 Scotts Avenue, Morris, MN 56267:

THANK YOU for coming to "See You At the Party 2000". Below is a questionnaire we are asking the youth to reply to this e-mail and PLEASE fill out to improve events like these in the future.

What was your MOST favorite part of SYATP?

What was your LEAST favorite part of SYATP?

What would you like to see next year (activities, bands, entertainment, etc…)?

Any additional comments, suggestions, complaints, or questions:


very much!

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to anyone you know that attended this awesome event. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or prayer request. May you continue your walk with our friend Jesus Christ.

Servant for Christ,

Salvador Monteagudo
SYATP2000 Follow-Up Coordinator

Below is the positive feedback we got so far:

"The thing I liked best was I got to be with friends and I got to talk to some one about God." (Pelican Rapids, MN)

"WOW!!! I had a BLAST!!! Bleach was so good. Pax 217 is wicked awesome!!! I think I found a new favorite band!!! The Undecided was still awesome even though Dan Thomas wasn't there…You have to do it again next year!!! Peace out and God Bless!!!" (Eden Valley, MN)

"I really liked meeting Bleach and the Arizona Floor Assassins personally. They were so cool…Another one of my favorite parts was at the end... when there was praise and worship. There was just something special about it... I especially liked how "the God thing" wasn't pushed on anyone but they were so surrounded by it that they were curious… I can't wait for next year! Everybody had so much fun. One guy told me that it was one of the best times he had in his life! Lol. :-) (Brooklyn Park, MN)

"My favorite part was that there was so much to do in so much time :) good food and drinks lots of cool music and was a lot of fun." (Maple Grove, MN)

"Best overnite I've been to" (Brooklyn Park, MN)

"The bands, and mingling with students in a fun environment and getting to know my churches" students who aren't necessarily involved in churchlife." (Youth Pastor: Milbank, SD)

SYATP 2004


Q: What is SYATP Plan B if we get severe weather? A: Here are some of Sal's suggestive possible plans:
-have local churches be ready to be open for travelers (parents, youth groups, bands, etc..) to have them stay overnight to sleep in (provide sleeping quarters, food/water, emergency first aid, etc..)

Q: What are some other ways to personally interact with the youth
A: Have game boards available at the cafeteria for youth to play with counselors/adults (e.g. chess, checkers, scrabble, monopoly, etc..)

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