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S.Y.A.T.P. Follow-UP

S.Y.A.T.P Follow-UP

"So then, just as you received (Romans 10:9-10) Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live (Matthews 16:24) in Him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith (Hebrews 11:1) as you were taught , and overflowing with thankfulness (worship in all circusmstances-good/bad! (1 Thess. 5:18) ." -Colossians 2:6

Congratulations! You just accepted Christ to be the Lord of your life through the salvation prayer! Now... what's next?

First, here is a brief summary of what you did at the "Couch":

  • 2 Questions Test, are you going to Heaven?
  • Others:

  • Are you lonely?, need Him?
  • Four Spiritual Laws, w/flash version!
  • God's Simple Plan, of salvation
  • Who Is I Am?
  • Here are some growth tips to patiently take in your new growing relationship with Jesus Christ:

    Steps to Peace with God (CBN)

    1. READ the BIBLE to know about Him

    a. Online Bible Study through ZJam Radio

    2. TALK&LISTEN to Him (RIGHT-heart (soft gentle voice); WRONG-mind (mean, deceitful, sly,) *SEE GENESIS 3

    a. PRAY Talk with Him:
    b. Daily (morning, day, evening-quiet times!)

    3. FELLOWSHIP with other believers that know Him (Heb. 10:24-25)

    a. youth pastor and peers (Who invited you to S.Y.A.T.P.?) during youth fellowship
    b. GO TO your local-home church or find one youth group!
    c. small group bible studies (1) "Knowing & Doing the Will of God" by Henry T. Blackaby & Claude V. King. Lifeway Press. Nashville, TN @1990
    d. check for local community christian event opportunities:
    (1) See Christian Minnesota Outreach Homepage
    e. other mainstream modern ways are through the radio, internet, etc...
    f. find someone who has the time and passion to spend time with you one and one (mentoring/discipling)

    4. WITNESSING to the "lost", "unbelievers", "unsaved", etc...

    a. Mission Opportunities (share your personal testimony or SYATP's Artists' Testimonies with:
    (4)Local Community
    (a)Burning Bush-Alexandria, MN
    (a)Sonshine-Wilmar, MN
    (b)Spirit Fest Midwest-Detroit Lakes, MN
    (a)Royal Servants, a non-denominational summer missions outreach for youth (16-19)

    Other Growing ideas in Your Relationship w/God:

    LIVING SACRIFICES: "Do NOT conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."-Romans 12:2

    When you become a Christian, you want to do the best (w/God's help-you're not alone anymore) to shine His light to the rest of this world. How do we become His light? We have to change or old ways of life. Christian can also be define as "Christ like". Here are some ways in this world that we can renew our mind:

    Other Reccomended Resources

  • Alpha Course, practical introduction to Christian Faith
  • Christian Answers, why?...
  • Christian Youth, for more related christian youth events/topics (academics, issues, music, sports, etc..) sites

  • G.R.O.W., by Youth for Christ.....
  • You've made a decision to commit (or rededicate) your life to Jesus Christ--that is just AWESOME! This is the most important decision you will ever make in life, and one that should radically change everything you think and do--in fact, it will turn your whole world upside down!

    But your relationship with God involves much more than asking Him into your life--that's just the starting point. Now comes the prime stuff, like getting to know more about God...learning what He has to say to you in His Word...learning how to walk with Him in prayer. No matter who you're close to, getting to know them takes time--it just doesn't happen overnight. That's the way it is with God, too. He created you to have a relationship with Him--to know about Him, not just know who He is. In fact, you're now family with Him--tight, close, together! And now that you've taken the first step He will patiently help you to know Him better and better.

    This 14-day follow-up will help you to develop that relationship with Jesus using four key words from the acronym GROW:

    Go--Just pray it! Get connected with God everyday in prayer.
    Read--Just read it! Get connected with the One who wrote the Book and the One the Book is written about--the Bible.
    Obey--Just obey it! Get connected with the only way God wants you live the life through wholehearted obedience to His Word.
    Write--Just journal it! Get connected to His work in your life and your prayers by jotting down answers and important moments when He has spoken through His word.

    ...from Life's Growing Adventure--$1.00 (Youth for Christ)


    contact us for above resources, questions, suggestions, prayer requests, or anything related to this:


    Attn: SYATP Follow-Up
    Living Waters Ministries
    506 California Ave.
    Morris, MN 56267

    We were giving a FREE book called "Truth-In An Ocean of Lies!" (Vantage Press) by Chuck Thompson, a local author who helps find answers to:

    What then does this say of the situational truths of secular humanism?
    -Of the separation of church and state?
    -Are we as a nation lost in the confusion of double standards?
    -If we are in a state of moral decay, as the author believes, how advanced is it? directing you to Scriptures. Please contact us if you would like us to send you a FREE copy!

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