S.Y.A.T.P. Stragetic Plan
1. Mail them the strategic plan w/mission-vision statement:
a. Mission/Vision: Get Christian youth to bring their Non-Christian (Goal +250) friends from the surrounding West-Central Minnesota region (Marshall-Morris-Fargo,ND) and get more youth plugged into their local church youth group after the
"party". That they will become witnesses themselves for Christ in the "Great Commission" to the rest of their peers in their local
2. Have Christian (inviter) make a "3 or More Most Wanted List" (people to invite)
a. Have them pray for them daily until March 31st
b. Invite your friend to the party, wouldn't you feel let out if your friend didn't invite YOU!
*Updated as of 2004
Who? Mature Christians (college to Adults) who love to share the "Gospel", have a heart for the youth, or even love to listen and talk (e.g. share testimony.
What? Talk about "cool stuff" to get to youth's level. Be ready to hare their heart with "lost" youth or sheeps that been astray
1:1 Outreach Ideas During SYATP: Look for youth by themselves or even a group. Ask God for a "open" door to share with them after getting to know them through playing a board game, chatting about how SYATP has been, carry a notebook asking for suggestions or feedback on this event so far, but be ready to share your testimony and Scriptures.
Suggestive Equipment: Notebook, pen/pencil, board games (something to catch youth's eye and interest-joke book, CD's, personal hobby/interest, etc..) and possibly a Bible on-hand.
1. Have counselors strategically place (at least 2by2) at the R.F.C., P.E.C., and L.C.C.
2. Have counselors and prayer team continue praying throughout the event
3. Have counselors get the following information from "new" christians:
a. Name:
b. Mailing Address:
c. E-mail (optional):
d. Phone #:
e. Grade in School:
f. Person (Inviter) Who I Came With:
g. Local Church? (name):
h. Dedication yes/no/rededication:
i. Specific Prayer Requests:
(drugs, sexual abuse, physical abuse, family problems: divorce (etc…), suicide)
4. Have Counselors give them "Party Follow-Up":
a. Steps to Know God:
(1) Pray: Talk to Him
(2) Listen: Read the Bible-"Word" [RIGHT: Heart-you feel it WRONG: Mind-it sounds like the devil (Genesis 3: Fall of Man) you hear: sly, wicked, mean, bad
(3) Evangelize: Tell Others About Christ
(4) Be plugged in-fellowship w/ other believers: local church
(a) CBN: Follow-UP Web Page