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After Blastoff
By Jake

*Six months after the battle of the universe, a ship of gigantic proportions has been constructed. This vessel, Terra Venture, has been built to seek out another planet for a small piece of Earth’s population. Among the selected few, are Damon, Kai, Leo, Maya, Kendrix, and Mike. Today is when Terra Venture departs Earth. Their new ranger friends are sad to see them go.*

Trini: *Looking concerned.* Are you sure you have to go?

Kimberly: *Flashes a mischivous smile.* I hate to see them go, but you skipped out on that peace conference, remember?

Trini: *Blushes.* Who, me?

Adam: *Brushes Trini’s hands away from her face.* Yes, you.

Trini: *Puts her hands back in front of her face.*

Kimberly: *Laughs to brake Trini's tension.*

*When Trini got the news from her friends a few years ago, she was excited as all get out. But when the time for her was to leave was coming closer and closer, she couldn't do it. She hid it by asking the cab driver to stop on the outskirts of town. Jason and Zack already knew what it was all about. They said their good byes, hugged Trini, and got back in the cab. They drove off in the cab with Trini's communicator still in the cab, waving good bye with tears streaming down their faces. Trini couldn't bare it for long. She had to give a small wave good bye and head home. The whole time, she couldn't stop crying about what she just did. She got home and went in her room. "How am I going to pull this off?" She said, knowing she'd never be able to. She knew Alpha and Zordon could still pick her up in the scanners by just her fading morphing signature. She was suddenly teleported to the Command Center. Once she was there, she had to explain everything to her disapointed friends. After explaining, she got a new communicator to keep in touch with her friends and the Command Center.*

*Cassie and Andros arrived in a run.*

Cassie: *Still breathing hard.* Oh good, we didn't miss you.

*Everyone turns to Andros for an explanation of their lateness.*

Andros: *Still breathing hard, and holding up one finger to have them wait a sec.*

Cassie: *Finishing now.* We had to sign alot of paper work to get "it" dedicated to the Angel Grove museum.

*Just then, the rest of the former Astro rangers came running in.*

Ashley: *Breathing hard.* Did we miss anything?

Damon: *Being the first former ranger of the newest Ninja team to speak.* What's with the rest of you being so late?

T.J.: *Smiling.* Well, we drew straws to see who would park "it", and who would sign "it" in. Zhane and Carlos were the lucky ones to park "it".

Damon: *With a questioned face.* So what did you and Ashley do?

T.J.: *Still smiling.* We gave them hand signals outside of "it" to help them park "it".

Ashley: *With an impatient face on.* Took you guys long enough to park it.

Zhane: *On a pay phone with Karone.* Yeah, I love you too stardust. Alright, bye. *Hangs up phone. Gives Ashley an evil look.* What?!

Carlos: *Flashes an evil look of his own.* Yeah!

Ashley: *Hands on her hips giving them "the look".* Oh come on, guys! It took you about a half an hour!

Zhane: *Kind of dropping his evil look.* Well I have it timed right here on my watch. Isn't that right, Carlos?

Carlos: *Drops evil look completely and sheepishly starts backing away.*

Zhane: *Eyes wide open.* You didn't?

Carlos: *Shakes his head.*

Ashley: *Smirks.* Ha! You don't have any proof!

Zhane: *Looking disapointed.* Yeah, well.

Rocky: *Getting their attention.* Guys, they're about to leave now!

Carlos: *Breaks out of his trance.* Huh? Oh, sorry!

*The huge group starts walking to Damon, Kai, Mike, Kendrix, Maya, and Mike's gate. They all do their good byes, handshakes, and hugs.*

Mike: *Starting to turn towards the gate.* Bye, guys!

All: *In response.* Bye!

*The huge group of rangers start heading towards their cars. Once in their cars, Rocky, Trini, Andros, Cassie, Adam, and Kimberly hear their communicators go off for the first time in six months.*

Adam: *Speaking into communicator.* Did you guys get beeped too?

*Adam gets a reaction from the other five who were beeped.*

Adam: *Still speaking into communicator.* Why don't we find a private spot to park.

*Everyone agrees, and Kimberly finds a good spot. It turns out to be the top of a parking garage. Keeping low and watching out for anyone who might be around, the rangers teleport out.*

Cassie: *With a concerned and questioned face.* What's going on, Zordon?

Zordon: *Giving her a solem look.* I was hoping I wouldn't have to call upon your services again. But it appears that a new evil is slowly surfacing from under the sand of the desert. It has been a long time since I banished him, but now he's back.

Kimberly: *With a questioned face.* Who?

Zordon: *Still with a solem look.* Pythos, the reptillian king of evil. If we don't act soon, Pythos will seize control of the world and eventually destroy it.

Rocky: *With a questioned face.* So how are we going to hold him off like this?

Zordon: *Face slightly brightening.* You won't have to, but you will have to go on a quest together to find a new power.

Andros: *With a questioned face.* So where do we start on the quest?

Zordon: *With a now plain face about him.* You will have to start at the top of great Angel Grove canyon. The power is hidden somewhere down at the bottom.

Kimberly: *Breaks into a disapointed look and sighs.* Why does it always have to be hidden?

Zordon: *Looks at Kimberly knowingly.* Because if it weren't, you would've never have been born.

Kimberly: *Giving up.* I know, but I hate hiking just to get there.

Zordon: *Shrugs his shoulders.* Well I'm sorry, but your gear should be coming out of the convaitor belt to your right.

*Kimberly walks over and takes her gear. The others soon get their gear. They put it on and get ready to be teleported.*

Zordon: *Smiling.* Farewell, and may the power protect you!

Alpha: *Touches a few of the magic touch buttons on his new improved panel.*

*The rangers teleport out. They touch down at great Angel Grove canyon a few moments later. They start down the trail that the park rangers made after they paid admission.*

Rocky: *Looking dumbfounded.* I never knew saving the world would cost so much.

Andros: *Smiling.* Well, we're at least lucky that Zordon sent me ahead to get some money from the synthetron aboard the Astro Megaship. I had D.E.C.A. close off the synthetron to the general public.

Cassie: *Smiling too.* Well that's a relief!

*The rangers are halfway down the trail when the sun starts to go down.*

Adam: *Stops.* We better make camp now.

Trini: *Sitting down, taking off her hiking boots, and rubbing her feet.* Agreed.

*Everybody else smiles at what their friend says. They get camp set up with the supplies that Zordon gave them. The camp went up surprisingly quick and easy. They came upon devices they weren't sure about right away. The devices later turned out to be heat generators for their tents. The heat generators were programmed to keep the tents at room temperature. Everyone slept like babies until Adam's alarm went off. The alarm was so loud that it made echoes throughout the canyon. He soon shut it off, and explained that he never liked to be late to things in the mornings.*

Andros: *With a straight face.* Well that's alright, we need to get going early anyway.

Cassie: *Puts pillow over her head. She lets out a muffled reply.* Screw that!

Rocky: *Shrugs.* Alright, lets start taking down her tent. You don't mind sleeping in one of our power packs, do you?

Cassie: *Groans and starts getting up.* Alright! I'm up! I'm up!

*The rangers take down camp quickly, and start off down the trail again. About noon, they finally reach the bottom. They slipped into their self drying swim gear that they chose from what Zordon had in the Command Station. Andros was wearing a red pair of swimming trunks. Kimberly was wearing a white two piece bathing suit. Rocky was wearing a blue pair of swimming trunks. Trini was wearing a yellow single piece bathing suit. Adam was wearing a brown pair of swimming trunks. And Cassie was wearing a pink top, with a pink bottom that resembled a pair of short shorts.*

Trini: *Smiling contently.* Now this is relaxing.

*Andros secretly signaled over to Trini. Trini nodded and started edging over to where Andros was. The two went off and hid. After finding a suitable place, they started lip locking. This was okay because Andros and Ashley had broken up earlier. They had ended up together after Andros had started looking for someone else to go out with. Trini had already captivated his heart with her smarts, looks, fighting ability, and her over all charm.*

Rocky: *Flashing a mischivous smile.* Tsk. Tsk. They really should try hiding it harder.

*Andros had invited Cassie and Rocky over to the Surf Spot on the day that Trini and him had first started lip locking. Cassie had kept Rocky from going in and blowing it just to get a reaction. She explained to him that they could use it. Rocky eagerly accepted that idea. They went in after Andros and Trini were done lip locking. After that, Cassie and Rocky started hanging out together more and more because of what they knew. They soon became more than friends.*

Cassie: *Flashing a mischevious smile.* Act like we're having a conversation. I think Kim and Adam are about ready to go into the bushes too.

Rocky: *Smiling.* Gotcha.

*Sure enough, Kimberly and Adam slipped away to lip lock when Rocky and Cassie pretended to have a conversation with their backs turned. As soon as they knew Kimberly and Adam were gone, they too went off somewhere to lip lock.*

Adam: *Breaking out of a kiss.* Are you sure none of them know?

Kimberly: *Smiling.* Positive.

*Before Kimberly went to the Pan Globals in Florida, she noticed how Adam looked at her. She soon relized that Adam wanted to be her special someone. In secret, she wanted that to happen. She knew she wanted him since the day she laid eyes on him. But with Tommy already as her boyfriend, she couldn't do anything. She couldn't think of an excuse to let Tommy go. Besides that, she knew Tommy needed her in his crisis of once being the evil Green Ranger. Even when he became the White Ranger, he couldn't let go of those haunting thoughts. He finally started shaking it off when Kimberly was getting ready to go to the Pan Globals. Kimberly couldn't help but wonder how she could finally let him go on the plane to Florida. She decided to send him a letter saying that she met someone. That someone in reality would be Adam when she got home. She couldn't stay with Tommy anyway. She knew that Tommy would miss her enough to start bringing up the idea of sleeping with him when she got back. She knew he wouldn't drop it until they did it. Tommy was just the kind of guy she didn't need when she got home. Adam was a more fitting choice because he wouldn't even bring up the idea until they were married. She knew that because he was too shy to ask about that. And there was also the fact that Adam said he would never sleep with a woman unless he was married to her in a truth or dare game. And she knew Adam wouldn't do something like that because he was just a nice guy. When she got home, she invited Adam to her house in private. She told him that she knew he liked her, and that she liked him. They were an instant couple from then on. Nobody knew about, they thought. But we know better.*

*The couples went back to the open part of the river in a not so obvious manner. Nobody asked any questions as they put on pool shorts, t-shirts, and hiking boots, before they started down the trail again.*

Trini: *Looking at a scanner.* Acording to my scanner, the cave we're looking for is two hundred feet away.

*The rangers soon discover where the cave entrance is supposed to be. But there's a rock wall with crystal animal symbols in it's place. Each animal symbol has a small gold elemental symbol on it.*

Rocky: *Looking confused.* Weird.

Trini: *Looking at a symbol of a lizard with a small gold symbol of the sun on it.* I think this one's a monitor.

*As soon as she said monitor, the crystal symbol started glowing bright white.*

Andros: *Smiles knowingly and inspects a symbol of some sort of dog with a small gold symbol of lightning on it.* Yeah, and I think this one's a coyote.

*As soon as he said coyote, the crystal started glowing bright black.*

Kimberly: *Steps up to the wall to look at a symbol of some sort of cat with a small gold symbol of a tornado on it.* This looks like a cougar or something.

*As soon as she said cougar, the crystal started glowing bright purple.*

Adam: *Moving in to take a closer look at a symbol of what seemed to be a desert tortoise with a small gold symbol of fire on it.* Would this be a desert tortoise?

*As soon as he said desert tortoise, the crystal started glowing bright orange.*

Rocky: *Has a questioned face on as he looks at a symbol of another lizard with a small gold symbol of earth on it.* Hey Trini, wouldn't that one be a gila monster?

*As soon as he said gila monster, the crystal started glowing bright green.*

Cassie: *Smiles as she figures out what the symbol of a bird of prey with a small gold symbol of water and ice on it was.* That's deffinetly a symbol of a hawk.

*As soon as she said hawk, the crystal started glowing bright blue.*

*The ground around them started rumbling.*

Kimberly: *Looking worried.* What's going on?

Adam: *Also looking worried.* I don't know.

*The rock wall splits down the middle and moves away.*

Trini: *Smiling.* Well, I guess that's our cave. Let's get some lights out before we go in though. We don't want to take the chance of getting lost a mile down in the dark or something.

*Everybody brung out their lights from their power boxes and switched them on. After doing this, they started into the cave. The cave seemed to go on forever, but they finally came upon a chamber. The chamber seemed to be lighted from outside, so the rangers switched off their lights and put them away. In the chamber, there was a natural rock table with weapons laying across it. The rangers aproached the weapons only to see them disapear and hear a voice speaking to them.*

Voice: If you are to receive these weapons, you are to identify which weapon goes with the animal you chose outside. Choose wisely, or you will be doomed to eternity.

Trini: *Volunteering.* I'll go first.

*After a while of thinking, Trini grabbed up a big double bladed axe. The axe started glowing bright white. When the light faded, the axe was shinier and had white highlights. A tight interframe suit appeared where her swimming gear and hiking boots had been. The axe sewed her ranger suit on with bright white lasers.*

Trini: *Looking at her new suit.* This will take some getting used to.

*Andros volunteered next. He made his descision with a nice looking blade that seemed to resemble a dog's tail. The blade glowed bright black. When the light faded, the blade was shinier and had black highlights. A tight interframe suit appeared where his swimming gear and hiking boots had been. The blade sewed his ranger suit on with little black lightning bolts.*

*Cassie was up next. She thought it over before she picked up a pair of slightly rusted bird talons. The talons started glowing bright blue. When the light faded, they were shinier, had blue highlights, and now had blades coming out of their metallic palms. A tight interframe suit appeared where her swimming gear and hiking boots had been. The two blades soaked her with instant freeze water that incased her in ice. The ice started glowing bright blue before she shattered out of the incasement in her new ranger suit.*

*Rocky eagerly stepped up to the rock table. After close consideration, Rocky picked up and put his hand into the back of a metallic gila monster's head. The head started glowing bright green. When the light faded, the head was shinier and had green highlights. A tight interframe suit appeared where his swimming gear and hiking boots had been. The head dropped a seed in the ground in front of him. The seed grew into a bunch of green vines that went on to wrap him up. There was a bright green light that came from inside the vines before Rocky broke out of them in his new ranger suit.*

*Adam walked casually up to the table and picked up the big gun with the tortoise shell on top. The gun started glowing bright orange. When the light faded, the gun was shinier and had orange highlights. A tight interframe suit appeared where his swimming gear and hiking boots had been. Fire engulfed Adam's body as the gun flashed bright orange at the handle. The flames went out, and Adam stepped through the now rising smoke in his new ranger suit.*

Kimberly smiled as she walked up to the rock table, picked up a metallic cougar paw, and put her hand inside it. The paw started glowing bright purple. When the light faded, the paw was shinier and had purple highlights. A tight interframe suit appeared where her swimming gear and hiking boots had been. The paw glowed a bright purple at it's claws. A small tornado rose up around Kimberly. When the tornado dropped down again, Kimberly stepped forward in her new ranger suit.*

Rocky: *Smiling under his helmet.* How's about us getting out of here now?

Cassie: *Smiling under her helmet too.* I'm game.

*The rangers then teleported back to the Command Station.*

Trini: *With a questioned face under her helmet.* What's with those holes in the wall?

Andros: *Smiling under his helmet.* Those are jump tubes. They'll allow us to get to our zords and morph in the process.

Zordon: *With a strait face.* Andros is correct. They should be quite useful in the future. Your zords have already arrived.

Alpha: And I made them from Andros' blue prints while you were away.

*The alarm goes off.*

Zordon: Pythos has broken through the sand of the desert and has created a monster called Sidebinder. This is a monster experienced in the art of intanglement. Use extreme caution, and let the power protect you.

Trini: *With a strait face under her helmet.* Let's get going.

*The rangers teleport out to park where Sidebinder was stirring up trouble. The rangers fought Sidebinder until Pythos decided to make him grow.*

All: *With hands up to the sky.* We need Desert zord power, now!

*The Desert zords came out shaking the ground around them as they went. The rangers jumped up to their cockpits using their hightened ranger strength.*

Adam: Adam here, my zord's powered up!

Kimberly: Kimberly here, my zord's powered up!

Rocky: Rocky here, my zord's powered up!

Cassie: Cassie here, my zord's powered up!

Andros: Andros here, my zord's powered up!

Trini: Trini here, my zord's speedin' like sunlight!

*The rangers tried out all of their zords' moves before they decided to bring them together. The coyote and cougar zords turned into knee high boots. The tortoise zord turned into shoulder armor and the head. The hawk zord turned into torso armor and wings. The gila zord turned into a humanoid battle zord, the power sword, and it's sheath. The rangers had the megazord toss Sidebinder around for a while. Sidebinder finally got a good hold of the megazord.*

Trini: *With a worried face under her helmet.* We've got to break free somehow!

Andros: *With a strait face under his helmet.* Let's try directing some of our power into his tentacles.

Trini: *With a now strait face under her helmet.* Alright, everyone, give me a bit of your own power.

*The other rangers comply, and the megazord shocks Sidebinder off it.*

Cassie: *With a strait face under her helmet.* Readying and charging power sword.

*The megazord brings out the power sword and charges it. The megazord flies up and comes down with the charged power sword in between it's now spread legs. The sword goes down through the middle of the monster. The two pieces of the monster fall in oposite directions as the megazord leaps away. The two pieces blew up, leaving the charred and flaming remains of the monster scattered everywhere. The remains disapear after a few seconds.*

*Back in the Command Station.*

Adam: *With a strait face.* That was some battle.

Zordon: *Also with a strait face.* Well, you'll have to get used to it. For now, you can go home and rest.

Cassie: *Smiling.* Alright Zordon, well go home and rest.

*With that, the rangers teleported to the Surf Spot to get some food and celebrate. After doing this, they all took off to their homes.*

The End...For Now