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The Coming of Battle
By Jake

*In the world of Dimension X, the peaceful race of Miktaras have one terrible fear about them. The source of this fear is a powerful sorceress. Her name is Tokara, and if nothing is done about her soon, there is no hope for the Miktaras. This is where the heroes of the Miktaras step in. As soon as the Miktaras uncover a legend of great power in Dimension C, a group of six brave souls volunteer for the quest. There are three men, and three women. The names of the men are Borco, Jeke, and Atoke. The names of the women are Shato, Nelae, and Rale. Together, they will free the Miktaras of the burden of destruction that they must bare everyday of their lives. There's only one problem: Tokara has followed them into the portal to Dimension C...*

Atoke: Did Tokara step into the portal?

Nelae: It doesn't matter, we have a job to do.

*They finally break free of the dimensional rift that has opened in a moonlit forest. After they've left, Tokara steps out of the rift.*

Tokara: *Laughs evilly.* You'll never reach that power, fools...

*In the city of Redlands California, a new day dawns. A very loud alarm goes off in seventeen-year-old Jake's room. Jake sleepily reaches over and slaps the snooze button. He then proceeds to roll over and go back to sleep.*

Jake: I'll just sleep for a little while longer.

*After her says this, his dad bangs on the door to wake him up.*

Jake: Alright! I'm up! I'm up!

*Jake gets ready for school, and takes off in his sleek 55' Chevy truck. When he parks, he's met by his girlfriend Kelsi.*

Kelsi: Hey! Are you ready for that science test today?

*Jake looks down at the short, dark haired girl with Hawaiian and American roots. He flashes her a smile.*

Jake: What science test?

Kelsi: *Returns smile.* Typical.

*They bump into Josselyn and Mitchell as they're going to class. Josselyn was always a tall girl. Mitchell used to be pretty short, but he really shot up in the last couple of years.*

Mitchell: Hello, Jake.

Jake: Hey.

Kelsi: Have you two decided if you were going to go with us up to the cabin by the lake?

Josselyn: Yeah, we're definitely coming.

Kelsi: Cool.

*Later on that day, the school has a special little event. Jake and Mitchell take a walk along the outskirts of the school's football field.*

Jake: Now aren't you glad you finally confronted her?

Mitchell: Yeah. I can't believe Josselyn was actually keeping her feelings for me a secret all these years.

Josselyn: I'm just glad you finally stopped running from me.

Mitchell: Whoa! Don't sneak up on me like that.

Jake: *Turns back to talk with Josselyn.* Yes. Mitchell's heart is a very frail thing that you can't tamper with in such a way.

*Jake turns to see Kelsi right in front of him.*

Jake: Ah! *Falls backwards on the ground.*

Kelsi: *Smiles mischievously.*

Jake: That's not funny.

Mitchell: *Between chuckles.* Yes it is.

Jake: *Sarcastic.* Har. Har. *Gets up and dusts himself off.*

*Joey and Stephanie walk up to the small group.*

Joey: Hey guys. What's up?

Jake: Not much really.

Stephanie: Whatever. I saw what happened with you and Kelsi.

Joey: Yeah! That was so funny, dude! *Laughs his head off.*

Jake: Yeah. Yeah.

*After he says this, the whole group notices a group of six teens in weird clothes hop the fence next to the football field. They go over to the six strangers.*

Josselyn: What are you guys running from?

Atoke: No time to explain.

*With that, the six strangers watch Nelae cut the wire fence with a cutting laser. When she's done, Rale pushes a post of the fence down into the ground. There's a heavy thud underneath the ground as it hits some kind of target. A section of the ground near it slides away to reveal a torch lit hallway at the bottom of a set of stairs.*

Jeke: Come with us.

*Josselyn, Kelsi, Joey, Mitchell, Stephanie, and Jake decide that it can't hurt to go with them. The twelve teens start down the hallway. Stephanie's curiosity gets the best of her.*

Stephanie: Where did you guys come from? What're you looking for?

Borco: We're Miktaras from Dimension X. A sorceress from our world has threatened to destroy us. Because of this, we must seek out the legendary Universal Rings. Right now, the sorceress is trapped in a special magic web that we were equipped with. It won't hold long, so we must make haste.

Stephanie: I guess I can believe you. You did lead us down into this secret passageway.

*The teens finally reach a beautiful room of marble. There are six golden pedestals in the six corners of the room, with a clear gem on each pedestal. In the middle, there's a gigantic crystal ball. The group from Dimension X eagerly spread out to cover each pedestal.*

Shato: Mighty guardian of the Universal Rings, we humbly ask for the grace of your power to be granted to us.

*A soft, sweet voice of a woman sounds all over the room.*

Voice: I'm sorry, but I cannot do that. Only beings from this dimension may use my power.

*Immediately, the six Miktaras look over at the six other teens there.*

Jeke: I knew it would come to this. Good thing we reviewed possible candidates in the area.

Josselyn: I don't know if I want to do this.

Joey: Come on, it'll be fun!

Josselyn: Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try. Are you going to do this, Kelsi?

Kelsi: I'm in.

Jake: That goes double for me.

Mitchell: Sure, why not?

Stephanie: You can count me in.

Atoke: Then it's settled. Get into positions everyone!

*The six teens of Redlands get into their positions. The light of the room goes out. The big crystal ball in the center of the room takes on a soft, mystical glow. Soon after, the small gems on the golden pedestals start to glow with their own colors. Kelsi's gem shows a pleasant, silver glow. Jake's gem bares a cheery, green glow. Josselyn's gem sparkles with a mystical, red glow. Joey's gem becomes lit up with a nice gold glow. Stephanie's gem brightens to a soothing, blue glow. And Mitchell's gem shimmers with a black glow that is surprisingly bright for black.*

Joey: What’s going on?

Mitchell: I think we’re receiving the power now.

*As Mitchell says this, the gems float up to the teens’ ring fingers. Once each gem touches each teen’s ring finger, it produces a ring band for itself. The glow in each ring goes into the teen that wears it.*

Voice: Kelsi, you have been given the power of silver star light. It is powerful, and will serve you well.

Kelsi: Cool. *Smiles.*

Voice: Joey, you now hold the power of golden solar fire deep within you. Use it with courage.

Joey: *Smiles.* Sweet.

Voice: Josselyn, the power of red comet speed is yours.

Josselyn: *Smiles.* Wow.

Voice: Jake, you will be well protected when you use the power of green plasma energy, which is your power.

Jake: *Smiles.* My favorite color too.

Voice: Stephanie, you are granted access of a sturdy power. I'm certain you will do the moon light power justice as you fight for the greater good of humanity.

Stephanie: I will. *Smiles.*

Voice: And you will carry on a long era of defense, using the black hole gravity power, Mitchell.

Mitchell: *With a straight face.* I'll do my best to continue the tradition.

Voice: I'm happy to give you this legendary power.

Jake: I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you.

*Everyone nods.*

Voice: It was nothing. Face the crystal ball in the middle of the room.

*Everyone faces the crystal ball.*

Voice: You have two weapons that will aid you in the heat of battle. The first, is the Universal blade.

*A rotating picture of a slightly simple sword appears in the crystal ball.*

Voice: The second, is the Universal laser pistol.

*A rotating picture of a laser pistol appears in the crystal ball.*

Voice: When the battle becomes intense, use your powerful Universal zords.

*Footage of the six Universal zords racing into battle appears in the crystal ball. The zords appear as a gold fire engine, a blue battle boat that hovers without a cushion underneath, a black space cruiser, a red space fighter, a green humanoid robot, and a sleek silver race car.*

Voice: Come towards the globe, and touch it to receive structure for your powers. Without structure, your powers have the potential to kill you if you try to use them.

*The six teens go up to the crystal ball, and touch it. A grid of light comes out of the crystal ball, and covers each teen. The grid of light sinks into their skin.*

Voice: When you need to use your powers, you need only to shout out the words, "Universal Power, activate!" You can increase your powers if you prove yourself worthy of such a privilege. I will now send you six from Dimension X home.

*With that, the six teens from Dimension X vanish in a flash of bright light.*

Voice: Now go to the surface immediately! Tokara has broken free of her constraints, and is headed for your school!

*The six teens do as she says.*

Tokara: *Looking at the teens' rings.* So you found the power, huh? No matter. I'll crush you in the blink of an eye.

Jake: That's what you think! *Looks at others.* Ready?

*The others give a quick nod.*

All: Universal power, activate!

*In flashes of their own individual colors, the teens dawn their ranger suits. Their helmets have no mouthpieces, but have their own individual visor shapes. Mitchell has an upside down triangle, Kelsi has a star, Joey has an oval, Josselyn has a diamond, Jake has a rectangle, and Stephanie has a crescent. They have holsters on their belts for their Universal laser pistols, and sheaths on their upper backs for their Universal blades.*

Mitchell: Why do some of our visors look so familiar?

Jake: Because some of them are visors from Power Rangers Zeo. I'm going to have to ask the guardian about that sometime.

Tokara: Stop jabbering, and come fight me, fools!

*The rangers do so, and they're surprisingly successful with holding Tokara off. Tokara flips away from the attacking rangers.*

Tokara: Enough of this! Skalletroons, attack!

*Alien-like skeletons appear out of nowhere, and do their master's bidding. The rangers use their Universal blades and laser pistols to clear out large crowds of them.*

Tokara: You'll pay for that!

*Tokara aims her staff at the ground. After she hits it with energy from her staff, a bit of light from the ground morphs into a monster warrior.*

Tokara: See how you do with Blizzard!

*Tokara vanishes. She reappears on the moon before magically changing the ruins of the Machine Empire's palace into her own lair.*

Tokara: I have a feeling that it will be a long time before I beat them.

*Back at the battle.*

Joey: Why don't we all use are blades on this guy?

Stephanie: Good thinking.

*Everyone pulls out his or her own Universal blade. The monster now has to deal with holding off six people with his one sword. He pulls back before giving them a surge of power.*

All: Ah!

*Without a word spoken, all six pull out their Universal laser pistols and fire on the monster. The combined blasts throw the monster back.*

Blizzard: You think you're tough, huh? Well let's just see how you deal with a giant!

*With that, the monster grows to a huge mass. The six teens barely escape a freezing blast from the monster.*

Josselyn: We have zords, right? Why don't we use them?

Jake: My sediments exactly.

*Everyone except for Jake and Mitchell call for their zords without raising their hands to the sky. Jake and Mitchell's zords show up, while the others are just baffled.*

Mitchell: Try raising your hands to the sky like us.

Kelsi: Why?

Jake: Because it always works in sentai and Power Rangers.

*After saying this, Jake leaps up to his zord cockpit. Mitchell was already in his cockpit before Jake even landed on the right shoulder of his zord. The others shrug before calling their zords the correct way.*

Stephanie: *Over intercom.* Looks like Jake’s, Josselyn’s, and my zord are the only ones with attacking capability. The rest of you stay back while we fight.

*Once Stephanie finishes, she fires the massive cannons on her zord. Josselyn goes in for a hit and go attack with her zord. Jake runs his zord up to the monster and has it kick the monster in the groin.*

Mitchell: *Over intercom.* I've always wanted to see a zord do that.

Jake: *Laughs at Mitchell's comment over the intercom.*

*The monster retaliates with a sweep to Jake's zord. The zord goes down hard with a huge thud.*

Jake: I'm going to pretend that didn't just happen. *Slaps the button that does the automatic megazord transformation.*

*Josselyn and Stephanie's zords go into autopilot as they form the legs. Jake holds on tight as his zord gets back up and forms the thighs up to the top of the torso. Joey and Kelsi sit back and relax as their zords race over and become the arms. Mitchell puts his arms up as if he's in a roller coaster as his zords dives down and becomes the thrusters. After this, the head comes out of the back of Jake's zord, and takes it’s place on top. The teens are then teleported to the main megazord cockpit as it lights up.*

Female Computer Voice: Universal MegaZord, fully functional.

*The teens have the megazord race over before laying a heavy blow on the monster. The monster tries to sweep the megazord, but the teens avoid it. The battle continues on for awhile before the teens get tired of fighting the monster. They look around for buttons that might bring out a weapon. No success. Jake then remembers that it's a vocal command that does it. He thinks of calling the power sword, but then he realizes that this megazord might not come equipped with a sword.*

Jake: Computer, activate Universal MegaZord weapon.

Female Computer Voice: Activating power spear.

*A lightning charged spear appears in the megazord's hand.*

Female Computer Voice: Activating attack sequence.

*With that, the spear's tip blazes with lightning. Soon after, the megazord hurls the spear at the monster. The monster explodes on impact, and the spear returns to the megazord's hand. The computer notifies the teens to leave the cockpit before the zords separate and return to their hiding spots. The teens jump down from the megazord and power down.*

*Back in the underground chamber.*

Jake: Why do some of our helmets resemble the Zeo helmets, guardian?

Guardian: Because I have a cousin in Japan who originally came up with the helmets. She's the reason for the two types of TV shows that you like to call sentai and Power Rangers. I just liked the look of some of his helmets. Don't tell anyone else this, but Toei is my cousin in disguise. Also, Saban is my brother in disguise. Both of them film in a kind of alternate reality. Most things of the alternate reality don't show up here. The only thing that has showed up, is the moon base from Power Rangers. I don't follow my cousin's work to closely, so I don't know if the moon base was in sentai or not. But I do know that Tokara has turned it into her lair.

Jake: Wow. Thanks for the info.

Guardian: You're welcome. Remember that all of you can increase your powers if you prove yourself worthy. It's getting pretty late. You six should go now. Don't forget to seal the entrance on your way out.

*The teens leave the chamber and seal the entrance. The fence looks odd, so they fix it as best they can. Before going across the field, they wonder what they should do about their identities.*

Josselyn: I'm not going to ask the guardian now. We've just fixed the fence. I say we just let everyone know that we have powers. We can do it; just so long as we don't reveal where we got our powers. Is everyone agreed on this?

Others: Agreed.

*The teens go over across the field to their friends who felt the thuds of the zord battle from inside the gym. By this time, the whole school is doing an earthquake drill. Joey smoothly walks over to the principal, and grabs away her mega phone.*

Joey: Listen up! That wasn't an earthquake. That was our zords doing battle with a monster.

*The whole school starts laughing. The teens shake their heads.*

All: Universal power, activate!

*The six once again dawn their ranger suits. Everyone looks at them in amazement.*

Kelsi: *Over mega phone.* Now do you believe us?

Stephanie: *Over mega phone.* Doesn't matter if you don't. We're just announcing that we're here to protect you from now on. *Hands the mega phone back to the gawking principal.*

All: Power down!

*The teens walk off to their cars, get in them, and go home while the whole school is still reeling from the shock of the morph.*

The End...For Now