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Before the Beginning
By Jake Self

*Talk went around about how the teens morphed in the field. No one could figure out how they got possession of the powers. The teens themselves are now settling in for bed.*

Jake: I still can't believe we were chosen for the power.

*Jake takes off his flawless emerald ring, and sets it down next to his alarm clock radio that reads 12:45 PM. The other teens have gone through something similar before going to sleep. As Jake sleeps, he begins to dream. In his dream, he finds himself in his school's football field at dawn.*

Jake: What am I doing here?

Tokara: You're here to fight!

*Jake whirls around to where the voice came from.*

Jake: So you want to fight, huh? I'll give you a fight, and I'll defeat you again.

Tokara: Let's go then!

Jake: You got it! Universal power, activate!

*To Jake's dismay, nothing happens. Tokara charges at him.*

Jake: What just happened? Where's my ring?

*Tokara knocks Jake off his feet with her staff.*

Tokara: I don't know, but I'm really going to enjoy this.

*Tokara pulls out a dagger and raises it up as if to stab Jake. She brings it down really close to where Jake's heart should be, before Jake wakes up in a cold sweat. Jake turns on his lamp setting next to his bed on his desk.*

Jake: Man, what scared me so bad? I can't remember anything about what I dreamed.

*Jake's emerald ring is gone from his desk. He doesn't seem notice this as he gazes at his always-familiar 15-year-old reflection in the mirror across the room. He takes his eyes off the mirror, and gets out of his bed to go to the bathroom. After he relieves himself, he washes his hands and crawls back into bed.*

Jake: Hope I don't have another nightmare.

*In a short time, Jake is sleeping again. The next morning, Jake walks to school. He sees Mitchell, and heads over to where he's standing.*

Jake: Hey, Mitchell.

Mitchell: Hey, Jake.

Jake: You know what's weird?

Mitchell: What?

Jake: Last night, I woke up in a cold sweat. I imagine I had a nightmare, but I don't even know what it was about.

Mitchell: It happened to you too?

Jake: It happened to you?

Mitchell: Yeah. This is seriously weird. How could we have both experienced the same thing last night?

Jake: I don't know. There has to be a good explanation for all of this.

Mitchell: I'm sure there is a good one, but what is it?

Jake: Beats me. Well, let's not think anymore on the subject.

Mitchell: Sounds good to me.

*Later in science class, Jake over-hears Josselyn, Stephanie, and Kelsi talking about the same thing he and Mitchell were talking about earlier that morning. Joey also over-hears their conversation.*

Jake: It happened to all of you too?

Kelsi: Supposedly.

Joey: That's really strange. It happened to me too.

*The small group comes to the same conclusion as Mitchell and Jake did: stop talking about it. Lunch time rolls around, and Jake goes off with Mitchell to wherever, like always.*

Mitchell: So, what do you have for lunch today?

*Jake reaches his right hand into his paper bag to take out the first item of his lunch.*

Jake: What the?

Mitchell: What's wrong?

Jake: I feel something on my ring finger.

*When Jake pulls his right hand out of the paper bag, he sees a flawless emerald ring on his ring finger.*

Mitchell: Dang. Is that real?

*Mitchell takes his right hand out of his pocket to inspect the ring on Jake's right ring finger.*

Jake: I don't know. If it is, it's worth a fortune...

*Jake stares down at Mitchell's right hand.*

Mitchell: What?

*Mitchell looks at his right hand.*

Mitchell: What the heck?

Jake: Looks like some kind of mood ring.

Mitchell: I guess so. What's it doing on my right ring finger?

*Joey walks up to them.*

Joey: Hey guys, check this out!

*The two turn to see Joey flashing a flawless topaz ring on his right ring finger.*

Mitchell: You have one too?

Joey: What?

*The two flash their flawless rings at him.*

Joey: What's happening to us?

Jake: I don't know, but I'm going to put my ring in my pocket. No use in risking a mugging.

Kelsi: I thought you guys might've had rings like us.

*The three turn to see Kelsi, Stephanie, and Josselyn. Stephanie is wearing a flawless sapphire ring. Josselyn is wearing a flawless ruby ring. Kelsi is wearing a flawless diamond ring.*

Jake: Well, I'm just going to put mine away. I really don't know what to do with it. Make sure the rest of you put yours away too.

*Everyone slips their rings off and put them in their pockets.*

Mitchell: What time is it, Jake?

Jake: Half after twelve. We better be getting to class.

*Another day passes, and it is again time for bed. All of the teens are amazed as they set their rings down again, and go to sleep. Not long after they've fallen asleep, they are teleported out of their beds.*

Where have our heroes been teleported? Well, you can definitely find out in my next exciting installment of Power Rangers: Battles of Dimension C.

The End...For Now