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Before the Beginning: Part 2
By Jake

When we last left our heroes, they found mysterious rings on their right ring fingers. That night, they were teleported in their sleep. Find out where they were teleported in this exciting installment of Power Rangers: Battles of Dimension C.

*Opening his eyes, Jake discovers that he is in a marble room with gold pedestals in six corners of the room, and a crystal ball in the center. He notices his other classmates, who got rings like his, sitting up and rubbing their eyes. He also notices that his ring is back on his right ring finger. Looking around, he sees that the others have their rings back on their right ring fingers.*

Stephanie: Where are we?

Guardian: You are in my chamber of power. I have used a powerful spell to reverse time.

Kelsi: Reverse time? What are you talking about?

Guardian: In the future, six teens from Dimension X will arrive in this dimension. They will be seeking my power, and will lure a powerful sorceress into this dimension. You will follow them to this chamber. I will reject their request for my power. However, I will grant my power to the six of you. You successfully ward off the first attack of the sorceress. The chances of you being granted more power is fouled up by the fact that you told your entire school about your secret. I have reversed time in order to give you one more chance. If you cannot keep from telling anyone your secret for at least a week, I will give up on you. Does that explain things?

Kelsi: Yeah.

Guardian: Your rings allow you to use my power. Point your rings at the crystal ball.

*The room becomes dark when the teens point their rings at the crystal ball. The crystal ball shimmers with a mystic glow.*

Guardian: Now come and touch the crystal ball.

*The rings glow with their own colors when the teens touch the crystal ball. A grid of light draws itself on each teen before sinking into his or her skin. The glow of each ring fades. Soon after, the mystic glow of the crystal ball fades out before the light in the room comes back on. Joey, Josselyn, and Stephanie take their rings off and eye them over in their hands.*

Guardian: A problem?

Stephanie: Well, the three of us had decided today that we didn't want anything to do with these rings. Could some other people accept the rings?

Guardian: If each of you can find someone worthy enough to take the responsibility of your ring.

*The three teens ponder for a moment.*

Guardian: Have each of you reached a decision?

Joey: I'll pick my brother, Danny.

Josselyn: I'm going to go with my friend, Becky.

Stephanie: My friend, Lauryn would be the only person I'd choose.

Guardian: So be it.

*The three chosen replacements are teleported in. As it happened before, the three new teens sat up and rubbed their eyes.*

Danny: What's going on?

*The guardian explains everything.*

Guardian: Do you think you are up to this?

Lauryn: I'll do it.

Becky: Sure, I guess.

Danny: Sounds like it would be cool, so I'm pretty sure I'm in.

Guardian: Good. You three put your rings back on.

*Stephanie, Josselyn, and Joey put their rings back on. The grid of light resurfaces and goes into each one of the rings. Each ring flashes off it's own color when the grid of light is done going into it.*

Guardian: Now take the rings off and give them to your replacements.

*When the rings are on the right ring fingers of the replacements, they start glowing with their own colors. Not long after, the grid of light comes out of each ring as it draws itself on each of the replacements.*

Guardian: I will now teleport the three of you back to your beds. When you get back to your beds, you will be asleep. You will wake up in the morning with no memories of any of this.

*The guardian teleports the three out.*

Guardian: Becky, you are Universal Ranger 1: Red.

Becky: Okay.

Guardian: Lauryn, you are Universal Ranger 2: Blue.

Lauryn: Cool, I guess.

Guardian: Jake, you are Universal Ranger 3: Green.

Jake: Yes, my favorite color!

Guardian: Mitchell, you are Universal Ranger 4: Black.

Mitchell: Wow that’s my favorite color.

Guardian: Kelsi, you are Universal Ranger 5: Silver.

Kelsi: Silver, I like that.

Guardian: Danny, you are Universal Ranger 8: Gold.

Danny: I like it, but what happened to six and seven?

Guardian: I have that under control. I chose them a few days before.

*Andy, Scott, and Sharla are teleported into the room standing up, fully awake, and fully dressed.*

Guardian: Sharla is Universal Ranger 6: Purple.

*All of the teens except for Scott, Andy, and Jake show signs of disappointment.*

Guardian: Scott is Universal Ranger 7: Orange.

*A few of the teens smile at this.*

Guardian: Andy is Universal Ranger 9: Platinum.

*The guys and some of the girls let out whoops and hollers. Andy puts up his hand and waves it like he usually does when he's embarrassed by cheers.*

Guardian: You will be teleported back to your beds now. I will contact you when there is time to do training for future battles. Remember, no silence for a week, no power increase.

*The teens teleport out of the room.*

Guardian: Well, I hope they can keep their lips sealed. This dimension is going to need all the protection it can get.

The End...For Now