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About Myself

Hi, my name is Lisa and I live in the great state of Minnesota, where, I'm told, the state bird is the mosquito. I'm a sophmore in college at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I'm undecided for a major, but, after changing it about 50 times...well, actually, I'm still undecided. My favorite classes are English, Math and Spanish. I'm on my 5th year of Spanish education. I had three years in High School and I'm on my second year in college.
I have two older siblings and two younger siblings. I also have a kitten named Skittles who was born on September 10, 1998.
I enjoy a number of things, including reading, writing, and too many crafts to list. Currently, my favorite author is Stephen King. I also read some Dean Koontz and V.C. Andrews. I also collect a ton of stuff like glass horses, unicorns, etc... 3-D puzzles, books, pennies, and quarters just to name a few.
I like to fish and go for long walks. I've never been camping, but I'm sure it's a lot of fun.
I've also had many jobs. I won't bore you and take up memory by listing them all, so I'll just give you the basics. I had one paper route from when I was 9 until I was 18. I waited to quit until just days before I moved out to go to college. I worked in a chinese restaurant, a nursing home, a grocery store, I had a second paper route, and I babysat. Now, I work at a hospital and, like an idiot, I took up another paper route.
I don't know what else to say, I'm afraid I'm not a very interesting person, but I still hope you like my web page!

Did I mention that I like horses?