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The Doll

When I was a little girl, I had this doll that was almost life size. She looked a lot like me with brown hair and eyes. I would play house with her and dress her everyday. One evening while playing house, I remember getting a strange feeling. I was all alone in my room with the door closed and I felt panicky and nervous. I then got up and ran out of my room.

Later on, after I went to bed, I can remember lying there with my doll in my bed and getting that same feeling. After all this time, my doll was scaring me. I got up and placed her in the closet. I went back to bed and peacefully fell asleep. Next I remember dreaming about my doll and she was alive and very evil. She was taking my toys and breaking them, then she looked at me and said she was going to kill my dog. I remember in my dream getting up quickly to stop her and chasing her to the stairwell. I grabbed her and beat her up. Just about then I woke up, but I could still remember her screaming and crying. As I woke up, I looked feverishly around my room. I was terrified now, and my room was only lit by the moon coming in from the small window above my bed. As I looked around my room something in the floor caught my eye. It was my doll sitting there and facing my bed. I have no idea how the doll moved from the closet where I had placed it before falling asleep.

Needless to say, she moved out shortly after this incident and she now resides in the Oklahoma City dump (I hope!).

Allison (8/1/99)

Very interesting story! If the doll did indeed move from its resting place in the closet, it was probably the result of either Allison sleepwalking during her dream of the doll or a poltergeist presence in the house. Getting rid of the doll would probably not prevent the presence from trying to make itself know again to you Allison. Have you experienced any other episodes involving objects moving or a feeling of forboding? What do our readers think?

If you have any comments or similar stories to share, PLEASEdo so by sending mail to my email address: OR by clicking on the spinning skull icon on my home page! THANK YOU!