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Sarah and Scott

This story that you are about to read is TRUE and to us very frightening! We have decided to write about this, because we want to warn others about the dangers of playing with a Ouija board. Especially without knowing anything about it first.

About four years ago my sister, a friend, and I decided to buy a Ouija board. We were only about 13 years old, and we thought it would be fun. We started to "play" with it and we came in contact with two spirits. Their names we will never forget, Sarah and Scott. At first the two seemed calm and at peace, but as we spent more time with them we soon began to realize they were not at peace. They watched us, they would tell us what we did in a certain day. Then my friend Jen began to get stabbing, excruciating pains in the back of her neck every time she entered my house. It hurt her so bad that she would crawl into a ball and cry, but if she left my house the pain was gone! Finally, Sarah and Scott told us that they were stabbing her in the back of the neck with a wire hanger. That same morning they promised us our death by strangulation. We began to yell and scream back at them, telling them to leave. But, they refused.... Things began to get worse. My nephew (2 years old) saw them, he said "Look Fata, they're up there!" Pointing up my bedroom stairs!

Strega Moon (5/10/98)

I have numerous disturbing encounters with spirits while using the Ouija board. It is my own belief that the spirit communicates directly to those using the board through their subconscious. It is then the user’s subconscious mind which causes the movement of the indicator, or plachente. This is a scary idea, since it means we have voluntarily allowed an entity to have some control over our subconscious minds… Malevolent spirits are then, over time, able to manipulate this voluntary control of one’s subconscious to cause self-inflicted pain on an individual. In some cases, the entity may even be able to drive an individual to perform actions that are highly uncharacteristic or violent. This appears to have been the case with your friend, Jen. How does this story end? Did Sarah and Scott leave you alone after awhile? Are they still bothering you to this day? Let us hear from you again.

If you have any comments or similar stories to share, PLEASEdo so by sending mail to my email address: OR by clicking on the spinning skull icon on my home page! THANK YOU!