Terrys Xmass Day '99More annual exploits in the bar where the Publican knows everybodys name: BROTHER.........
Years go by and the drinks go in but theres always time for a stupid picture. Dynamite stuff lads. But who is grabbing Dazzlers Roasted Peanuts?????hmmm Wallys hands are visible but Gilly has a strange smile on his face.....guess who???? .
Nowadays Daz is putting scum behind bars but look whose pulling the pints!!! oii Shinzer dont forget to put the money in the till.waca waca waca. By the looks of things Wally 'ill be needin a flake with his 1/2 pint of guinness if them two is pulling 'em...... .
Always there for a bit o craic and a lock o drinks, these two Townies are now more likely to hang out on college campus's than in the bog but they got rotto anyway. Thems two is on drugs .
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